This app is currently in development and is intended for educational purposes. It is not production-ready and lacks proper validations and may contain bugs. Use it with caution and feel free to contribute to its improvement.
User Authentication:
- Users can sign up or log in.
- Authentication is required to access task-related functionalities.
Task Management:
- Create, update, and delete tasks.
- Users can only interact with their own tasks.
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
- Express: Web application framework for Node.js.
- Apollo GraphQL: Implementation of GraphQL for querying and manipulating data.
- Chai: Assertion library for testing.
- Sinon: Test spies, stubs, and mocks for JavaScript.
- Mocha: JavaScript test framework.
- MySQL: Relational database for storing task data.
- Sequelize: Promise-based Node.js ORM for MySQL.
- JsonWebToken: Used for user authentication and authorization.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Apollo Client: State management library for managing data with GraphQL.
Database Setup:
Run the following commands in MySQL to create a user, a database, and grant privileges:
CREATE USER 'tommy'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'TommyBoy@12345'; CREATE DATABASE tasklist; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tasklist.* TO 'tommy'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Note: The app will automatically create tables when the server is run.
Environment Variables:
Create a
file in the root directory of the server. -
Add the following variables to the
file:PORT=7000 DB_DIALECT=mysql DB_HOST=localhost DB_NAME=tasklist DB_USER=tommy DB_PASSWORD=TommyBoy@12345 DB_TIMEZONE=+08:00 AUTH_SECRET_KEY=edf5bf46b433911a74fe20ff8f2aefba3d89a6f7ef3c1f71b614640ed03327416181d5e09f608651be621d2ffde2f9892c490497b87a507b05968955447bc7b5
Note: Feel free to change the values as needed.
Run the Server:
Execute the following commands:
npm install npm run dev
npm install npm start
Run Unit Tests:
Execute the following command:
npm test
Navigate to the frontend directory.
Execute the following commands:
npm install
Run the Frontend:
Execute the following commands:
npm run dev
npm start