This project has moved to
Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala built on top of Akka IO and Akka Streams.
Only MongoDB 2.6+, Scala 2.11+ is supported.
Tepkin is a young but very active project and absolutely needs your help. Good ways to contribute include:
- Raising bugs and feature requests
- Fixing bugs
- Improving the performance
- Adding to the documentation
Latest stable Tepkin release is 0.7 and is available on Maven Central. Just add the following dependency:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.jeroenr" %% "tepkin" % "0.7"
Or if you want to be on the bleeding edge using snapshots, latest snapshot release is 0.8-SNAPSHOT. Add the following repository and dependency:
resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.jeroenr" %% "tepkin" % "0.8-SNAPSHOT"
To construct a Bson document, you can either create BsonElements and join them with ~
or create a document directly.
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.element.BsonObjectId
import org.joda.time.DateTime
// Construct a BsonDocument from BsonElements
val element = "name" := "Johny"
val document = element ~
("surname" := "Doe") ~
("age" := 28) ~
("months" := $array(1, 2, 3))
// Construct a BsonDocument
val document = $document(
"_id" := BsonObjectId.generate,
"name" := "Johny",
"surname" := "Doe",
"age" := 28,
"months" := $array(1, 2, 3),
"details" := $document(
"salary" := 455.5,
"inventory" := $array("a", 3.5, 1L, true),
"birthday" := new DateTime(1987, 3, 5, 0, 0)
There is an implicit conversion from any BsonElement
to BsonDocument
for convenience.
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDocument
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.element.BsonElement
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
val element: BsonElement = "name" := "fehmi"
val document: BsonDocument = "name" := "fehmi"
To make a connection to MongoDB, use the MongoClient
import com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.MongoClient
// Connect to a MongoDB node.
val client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost")
manages multiple connection pools to MongoDB instances and therefore is a heavy class. Most of the time you will need only one MongoClient
instance per application.
Use MongoDatabase
and MongoCollection
in order to obtain a reference to a database and a collection.
// Obtain a reference to the "tepkin" database
val db = client("tepkin")
// Obtain a reference to the "example" collection in "tepkin" database.
val collection = db("example")
and MongoCollection
are lightweight classes and may be instantiated more than once if needed. However they are both immutable and reusable.
All methods in the MongoCollection
class need an implicit scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
and an akka.util.Timeout
. You can define a default timeout and use the client's execution context as shown below:
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// val client = ...
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 5.seconds
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDocument
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
val query: BsonDocument = "name" := "fehmi"
val source = collection.find(query)
All find methods in Tepkin return an[List[BsonDocument], ActorRef]
. Then you can use any method in Akka Streams to process the returned stream.
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
val document = ("name" := "fehmi") ~ ("surname" := "saglam")
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
val documents = (1 to 100).map(i => $document("name" := s"fehmi$i"))
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDocument
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable
implicit val mat = ActorFlowMaterializer()(client.context)
val documents: Source[List[BsonDocument], akka.NotUsed] = Source {
Iterable.tabulate(100) { _ =>
(1 to 1000).map(i => $document("name" := s"fehmi$i")).toList
collection.insertFromSource(documents).runForeach(_ => ())
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
import scala.concurrent.Future
val document = ("name" := "fehmi") ~ ("surname" := "saglam")
val result: Future[UpdateResult] = for {
insert <- collection.insert(document)
update <- collection.update(
query = "name" := "fehmi",
update = $set("name" := "fehmi can")
} yield update
Update and return the old document.
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
query = Some("name" := "fehmi"),
update = $set("name" := "fehmi can")
Update and return the updated document.
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
query = Some("name" := "fehmi"),
update = $set("name" := "fehmi can"),
returnNew = true
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.BsonDsl._
import com.github.jeroenr.bson.Implicits._
import com.github.jeroenr.tepkin.protocol.command.Index
collection.createIndexes(Index(name = "name_surname", key = ("name" := 1) ~ ("surname" := 1)))