Please check the file for details.
Study Project for the Spring Framework. For more info check the LogBook file.
- 1.0.0 - 960c0dbfbe9aef8c11c432c2c380814acf409b37 - Spring boot 2.7.5
- 2.0.0 - efe08c01f3e67dcb9d18707c9cc662c8ece4bfbc - Spring boot 3.0.0
- Spring: org.springframework
- Spring Boot: org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-parent
Note that if you want to build this project from the root, you need to use one of the JDK 11 or upper versions.
See Hints&Tricks document for more details
make build
mvn clean install
Install JDK 11 using SDK-MAN
sdk install java 11.0.9.hs-adpt
sdk use java 11.0.9.hs-adpt
participant USER
participant SPRING
participant SPRING CORE Docs
participant SPRING Details
participant SPRING Packaging
participant Spring Professional
rect rgb(1,130,25)
USER->>SPRING: User studies spring
SPRING->>SPRING CORE Docs: User dives into Spring Core Docs
SPRING CORE Docs->>SPRING Details: User thinks about using all annotation params
SPRING Details->>SPRING Packaging: User checks out packaging possibilities with containers
SPRING Details->>Spring Professional: User becomes
loop Keep updated
Spring Professional->>SPRING: User studies again
Note: You need a Mermaid plugin extension
i.e. mermaid-plugin
gu install native-image
@Transational timeout
, TestRestTemplate
, HealthIndicator
, actuator
, Embedded
, Big Data
Cassandra support
, Transaction under Transaction
, Health indicators
, packaging
, tomcat
, jetty
- Cosmina, I. (11th December 2019). Pivotal Certified Professional Core Spring 5 Developer Exam: A Study Guide Using Spring Framework 5. (Second Edition). Apress
- Sharma, R. (September 2018). Hands-On Reactive Programming with Reactor. (First Edition). Packt
- Cosmina, I. Harrop, R. Schaefer, C. Ho, C. (October 2017). Pro Spring 5 An In-Depth Guide to the Spring Framework and Its Tools. (Fifth Edition). Apress
- Winch, R. Mularien, P. (December 2012). Spring Security 3.1. (Second Edition). Packt Publishing
- Kurniawan, B. Deck, P. (January 2015). Servlet, JSP & Spring MVC. (First Edition). Brainy Software
- Long, J. (2020). Reactive Spring. (First Edition). Josh Long
- Mockk
- Spring HATEOAS
- Spring HATEOAS All Classes
- Spring Framework All Classes
- Spring Security All Classes
- Spring Data Cassandra
- Spring Boot Actuator Web API Documentation
- Spring Boot Reference Documentation
- What’s new in Spring Framework 5
- Spring Framework Overview
- Spring Framework Documentation - Current Version
- Spring Boot CDS support and Project Leyden anticipation