See the project on
- jordi-manuel
- helios-aliaga
- There are two players: red and blue
- The race begins with a random countdown
- Keep pressing the button on the controller to accelerate
- When a player goes too fast it changes color to green or yellow
- Keep going too fast to be "thrown off the track". When this happens the player's speed is reset to 0 and the player blinks until it accelerates back to speed 1
- There are 5 laps in a race
- The first player to cross the line at the end of the 4th lap wins
- Press the reset button to start again
You will need:
- Hardware:
- 1x Arduino Nano (or any Arduino)
- 1x LED Strip (WS2813)
- 2x Buttons
- 1x 1000 µF capacitor
- 2x 10kΩ resistors (for the buttons)
- 1x 470Ω resistor (for the LED strip) but change it according to your power supply
- Optional: 5V 2A power supply (you may have to change the resistors and the capacitor)
- All the necessary cables to connect all the stuff above
- Components you can 3d-print:
- Software:
- Arduino IDE
- Fritzing (
Follow the designs in: Schemas
We want to display the race progress in real time on a race board. To do this we are using Flask, (, and mqtt-messages.
and pip
are installed.
Create your virtual environment.
in this case is the path to your virtual environment. (For simplicity, this can just be venv
python3 -m venv <venv>
To activate the virtual environment:
source <venv>/bin/activate
To run the application:
export FLASK_APP=race_events
export FLASK_ENV=development
pip install -e .
flask run