This repo contains code for testing query performance with large holochain datasets.
npm install
hcdev --no-nat-upnp web 5090
In another terminal, run
node generate-meter-data.js
Wait > 10 seconds for meter data to populate (it will take 1.5hrs to commit all of the 270k data points)
Use Postman or similar to make a POST request with this payload:
"meter_id": "1",
"start_timestamp": "2017-05-09T14:00:00.000Z",
"end_timestamp": "2017-09-02T14:00:00.000Z"
to this URL: http://localhost:5090/fn/MeterDataStorage/meterDataRead
Observe query performance.
Wait a bit longer (allowing more meter data to be added) and try querying again.