Froggit-Go is a Go library, allowing to perform actions on VCS providers. Currently supported providers are: GitHub, Bitbucket Server , Bitbucket Cloud, Azure Repos and GitLab.
- Froggit-Go
- Project status
- Usage
- VCS Clients
- Create Clients
- Test Connection
- List Repositories
- List Branches
- Download Repository
- Create Webhook
- Update Webhook
- Delete Webhook
- Set Commit Status
- Get Commit Status
- Create Pull Request
- Update Pull Request
- Get Pull Request By ID
- List Open Pull Requests
- List Open Pull Requests With Body
- Add Pull Request Comment
- Add Pull Request Review Comments
- List Pull Request Comments
- List Pull Request Review Comments
- Delete Pull Request Comment
- Delete Pull Request Review Comments
- Get Commits
- Get Commits With Options
- Get Latest Commit
- Get Commit By SHA
- Get List of Modified Files
- Add Public SSH Key
- Get Repository Info
- Get Repository Environment Info
- Create a label
- Get a label
- List Pull Request Labels
- Unlabel Pull Request
- Upload Code Scanning
- Download a File From a Repository
- Webhook Parser
- VCS Clients
GitHub api v3 is used
// The VCS provider. Cannot be changed.
vcsProvider := vcsutils.GitHub
// API endpoint to GitHub. Leave empty to use the default -
apiEndpoint := ""
// Access token to GitHub
token := "secret-github-token"
// Logger
// [Optional]
// Supported logger is a logger that implements the Log interface.
// More information -
logger := log.Default()
client, err := vcsclient.NewClientBuilder(vcsProvider).ApiEndpoint(apiEndpoint).Token(token).Build()
GitLab api v4 is used.
// The VCS provider. Cannot be changed.
vcsProvider := vcsutils.GitLab
// API endpoint to GitLab. Leave empty to use the default -
apiEndpoint := ""
// Access token to GitLab
token := "secret-gitlab-token"
// Logger
// [Optional]
// Supported logger is a logger that implements the Log interface.
// More information -
logger := logger
client, err := vcsclient.NewClientBuilder(vcsProvider).ApiEndpoint(apiEndpoint).Token(token).Build()
Bitbucket api 1.0 is used.
// The VCS provider. Cannot be changed.
vcsProvider := vcsclient.BitbucketServer
// API endpoint to Bitbucket server. Typically ends with /rest.
apiEndpoint := ""
// Access token to Bitbucket
token := "secret-bitbucket-token"
// Logger
// [Optional]
// Supported logger is a logger that implements the Log interface.
// More information -
logger := log.Default()
client, err := vcsclient.NewClientBuilder(vcsProvider).ApiEndpoint(apiEndpoint).Token(token).Build()
Bitbucket cloud api version 2.0 is used and the version should be added to the apiEndpoint.
// The VCS provider. Cannot be changed.
vcsProvider := vcsutils.BitbucketCloud
// API endpoint to Bitbucket cloud. Leave empty to use the default -
apiEndpoint := ""
// Bitbucket username
username := "bitbucket-user"
// Password or Bitbucket "App Password'
token := "secret-bitbucket-token"
// Logger
// [Optional]
// Supported logger is a logger that implements the Log interface.
// More information -
logger := log.Default()
client, err := vcsclient.NewClientBuilder(vcsProvider).ApiEndpoint(apiEndpoint).Username(username).Token(token).Build()
Azure DevOps api version v6 is used.
// The VCS provider. Cannot be changed.
vcsProvider := vcsutils.AzureRepos
// API endpoint to Azure Repos. Set the organization.
apiEndpoint := "<organization>"
// Personal Access Token to Azure DevOps
token := "secret-azure-devops-token"
// Logger
// [Optional]
// Supported logger is a logger that implements the Log interface.
// More information -
logger := log.Default()
// Project name
project := "name-of-the-relevant-project"
client, err := vcsclient.NewClientBuilder(vcsProvider).ApiEndpoint(apiEndpoint).Token(token).Project(project).Build()
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
err := client.TestConnection(ctx)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
repositories, err := client.ListRepositories(ctx)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
repositoryBranches, err := client.ListBranches(ctx, owner, repository)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Repository branch
branch := "master"
// Local path in the file system
localPath := "/Users/frogger/code/jfrog-cli"
repositoryBranches, err := client.DownloadRepository(ctx, owner, repository, branch, localPath)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// The event to watch
webhookEvent := vcsutils.Push
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Optional - Webhooks on branches are supported only on GitLab
branch := ""
// The URL to send the payload upon a webhook event
payloadURL := ""
// token - A token used to validate identity of the incoming webhook.
// In GitHub and Bitbucket server the token verifies the sha256 signature of the payload.
// In GitLab and Bitbucket cloud the token compared to the token received in the incoming payload.
id, token, err := client.CreateWebhook(ctx, owner, repository, branch, "", webhookEvent)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Optional - Webhooks on branches are supported only on GitLab
branch := ""
// The URL to send the payload upon a webhook event
payloadURL := ""
// A token to validate identity of the webhook, created by CreateWebhook command
token := "abc123"
// The webhook ID returned by the CreateWebhook API, which created this webhook
webhookID := "123"
// The event to watch
webhookEvent := vcsutils.PrCreated
err := client.UpdateWebhook(ctx, owner, repository, branch, "", token, webhookID, webhookEvent)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// The webhook ID returned by the CreateWebhook API, which created this webhook
webhookID := "123"
err := client.DeleteWebhook(ctx, owner, repository, webhookID)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// One of Pass, Fail, Error, or InProgress
commitStatus := vcsclient.Pass
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Branch or commit or tag on GitHub and GitLab, commit on Bitbucket
ref := "5c05522fecf8d93a11752ff255c99fcb0f0557cd"
// Title of the commit status
title := "Xray scanning"
// Description of the commit status
description := "Run JFrog Xray scan"
// URL leads to the platform to provide more information, such as Xray scanning results
detailsURL := ""
err := client.SetCommitStatus(ctx, commitStatus, owner, repository, ref, title, description, detailsURL)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Commit tag on GitHub and GitLab, commit on Bitbucket
ref := "5c05522fecf8d93a11752ff255c99fcb0f0557cd"
commitStatuses, err := client.GetCommitStatus(ctx, owner, repository, ref)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Source pull request branch
sourceBranch := "dev"
// Target pull request branch
targetBranch := "main"
// Pull request title
title := "Pull request title"
// Pull request description
description := "Pull request description"
err := client.CreatePullRequest(ctx, owner, repository, sourceBranch, targetBranch, title, description)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Target pull request branch, leave empty for no change.
targetBranch := "main"
// Pull request title
title := "Pull request title"
// Pull request description
body := "Pull request description"
// Pull request ID
id := "1"
// Pull request state
state := vcsutils.Open
err := client.UpdatePullRequest(ctx, owner, repository, title, body, targetBranch, id, state)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
openPullRequests, err := client.ListOpenPullRequestsWithBody(ctx, owner, repository)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
openPullRequests, err := client.ListOpenPullRequests(ctx, owner, repository)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestId := 1
openPullRequests, err := client.GetPullRequestByID(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestId)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Comment content
content := "Comment content"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
err := client.AddPullRequestComment(ctx, owner, repository, content, pullRequestID)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
// Pull Request Comment
comments := []PullRequestComment{
CommentInfo: CommentInfo{
Content: "content",
PullRequestDiff: PullRequestDiff{
OriginalFilePath: index.js
OriginalStartLine: 1
OriginalEndLine: 1
OriginalStartColumn: 1
OriginalEndColumn: 1
NewFilePath: index.js
NewStartLine: 1
NewEndLine: 1
NewStartColumn: 1
NewEndColumn: 1
err := client.AddPullRequestReviewComments(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestID, comments...)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
pullRequestComments, err := client.ListPullRequestComment(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestID)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
pullRequestComments, err := client.ListPullRequestReviewComments(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestID)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
// Comment ID
commentID := 17
err := client.DeletePullRequestComment(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestID, commentID)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
// Comment ID
comments := []CommentInfo{
ID: 2
// For GitLab
ThreadID: 7
err := client.DeletePullRequestComment(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestID, comments...)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// VCS branch
branch := "dev"
// Commits information of the latest branch commits
commitInfo, err := client.GetCommits(ctx, owner, repository, branch)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Commits query options
options := GitCommitsQueryOptions{
Since: time.Date(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Until: time.Now(),
ListOptions: ListOptions{
Page: 1,
PerPage: 30,
result, err := client.GetCommitsWithQueryOptions(ctx, owner, repository, options)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// VCS branch
branch := "dev"
// Commit information of the latest commit
commitInfo, err := client.GetLatestCommit(ctx, owner, repository, branch)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// SHA-1 hash of the commit
sha := "abcdef0123abcdef4567abcdef8987abcdef6543"
// Commit information of requested commit
commitInfo, err := client.GetCommitBySha(ctx, owner, repository, sha)
The refBefore...refAfter
syntax is used.
More about it can be found at Commit Ranges Git
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// SHA-1 hash of the commit or tag or a branch name
refBefore := "abcdef0123abcdef4567abcdef8987abcdef6543"
// SHA-1 hash of the commit or tag or a branch name
refAfter := "main"
filePaths, err := client.GetModifiedFiles(ctx, owner, repository, refBefore, refAfter)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// An identifier for the key
keyName := "my ssh key"
// The public SSH key
publicKey := "ssh-rsa AAAA..."
// Access permission of the key: vcsclient.Read or vcsclient.ReadWrite
permission = vcsclient.Read
// Add a public SSH key to a repository
err := client.AddSshKeyToRepository(ctx, owner, repository, keyName, publicKey, permission)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Get information about repository
repoInfo, err := client.GetRepositoryInfo(ctx, owner, repository)
Notice - Get Repository Environment Info is currently supported on GitHub only.
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Environment name
name := "frogbot"
// Get information about repository environment
repoEnvInfo, err := client.GetRepositoryEnvironmentInfo(ctx, owner, repository, name)
Notice - Labels are not supported in Bitbucket
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Label info
labelInfo := LabelInfo{
Name: "label-name",
Description: "label description",
Color: "4AB548",
// Create a label
err := client.CreateLabel(ctx, owner, repository, labelInfo)
Notice - Labels are not supported in Bitbucket
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Label name
labelName := "label-name"
// Get a label named "label-name"
labelInfo, err := client.GetLabel(ctx, owner, repository, labelName)
Notice - Labels are not supported in Bitbucket
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
// List all labels assigned to pull request 5
pullRequestLabels, err := client.ListPullRequestLabels(ctx, owner, repository, pullRequestID)
Notice - Labels are not supported in Bitbucket
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Organization or username
owner := "jfrog"
// VCS repository
repository := "jfrog-cli"
// Label name
name := "label-name"
// Pull Request ID
pullRequestID := 5
// Remove label "label-name" from pull request 5
err := client.UnlabelPullRequest(ctx, owner, repository, name, pullRequestID)
Notice - Code Scanning is currently supported on GitHub only.
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// The account owner of the git repository
owner := "user"
// The name of the repository
repo := "my_repo"
// The branch name for which the code scanning is relevant
branch := "my_branch"
// A string representing the code scanning results
scanResults := "results"
// Uploads the scanning analysis file to the relevant git provider
sarifID, err := client.UploadCodeScanning(ctx, owner, repo, branch, scanResults)
Note - This API is currently not supported for Bitbucket Cloud.
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// The account owner of the git repository
owner := "user"
// The name of the repository
repo := "my_repo"
// The branch name for which the code scanning is relevant
branch := "my_branch"
// A string representing the file path in the repository
path := "path"
// Downloads a file from a repository
content, statusCode, err := client.DownloadFileFromRepo(ctx, owner, repo, branch, path)
// Go context
ctx := context.Background()
// Logger
logger := vcsclient.EmptyLogger{}
// Webhook contextual information
origin := webhookparser.WebhookOrigin{
// The VCS provider (required)
VcsProvider: vcsutils.GitHub,
// Optional URL of the VCS provider (used for building some URLs)
OriginURL: "",
// Token to authenticate incoming webhooks. If empty, signature will not be verified.
// The token is a random key generated in the CreateWebhook command.
Token: []byte("abc123"),
// The HTTP request of the incoming webhook
request := http.Request{}
webhookInfo, err := webhookparser.ParseIncomingWebhook(ctx, logger, origin, request)