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A straightforward HMM Tagger implemented in python2 utilizing unmodified Kneser-Ney smoothing.


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    Johannes Choo\\




\section{Extending Kneser-Ney to Closure in Unseen \(N\)-grams}

We build in python2 a HMM tagger employing Interpolated Kneser-Ney
smoothing as described by Jurafsky and Martin (August 2017 Draft). The
description given by Jurafsky and Martin is not complete, and notably
not closed under unobserved tokens and contexts. We extend it to
closure over unobserved \(N\)-grams with the following probability
measure defined over words \(w\) with either no context, or a context
of arbitrary positive length \(c'\w{c}\). We have
  P_{KN}\p{w\mid c'\w{c}}=
    +\lambda\p{c'\w{c}}P_{KN}\p{w\mid\w{c}} &
    \text{if \(S\p{c'\w{c}}>0\),}\\
    P_{KN}\p{w\mid\w{c}} &
    \text{if \(S\p{c'\w{c}}=0\),}\\
  \end{cases} \\
    &\text{if \(S\p{\epsilon}>0\),} \\
    \frac{1}{\abs{T}+1}&\text{if \(S\p{\epsilon}=0\),}
where we wish to obtain the probability of a token \(w\) after
observing context \(c'\w{c}\). \(T\) is the (unigram) vocabulary. For
bigrams, we let \(\w{c}=\epsilon\), the empty tuple of words, in order that
the context is just a single word \(c'\). \(d\) is a parameter with
\(0\leq d\leq 1\) of the absolute discount to the \(N\)-gram counts; it is
to be learned by experimentation. \(S\p{\w{c}}\) is a normalization
term given by
  S\p{\w{c}}=\sum_{w\in T}c\p{\w{c}w},
including for \(\w{c}=\epsilon\). \(\lambda\) redistributes the discounted probability mass
uniformly over all observed tuples the size of \(c'\w{c}w\), given by
  \lambda\p{\w{c}}=\frac{d}{S\p{\w{c}}}\abs{\B{w\in T:c\p{\w{c}w}>0}},
including for \(\w{c}=\epsilon\). The count \(c\) is defined by
    c_t\p{\w{u}}&\text{if \(\abs{\w{u}}=N-1\),} \\
    \abs{\B{v:c_t\p{v\w{u}}>0}}&\text{if \(\abs{\w{u}}<N-1\).}
including for \(\w{u}=\epsilon\) where \(c_t\) are the raw observations from
the training set and \(N\) is the \(N\) of our \(N\)-gram model
(i.e. the number of atoms).

Our implementation uses a straightforward approach where we compute
\(c_t\), \(c\), \(T\), \(S\) during training, and compute \(P_{KN}\)
at the time of query. We slide a window of maximum size \(N\) across
the training corpus, and for each final token \(w\), we record the
\(N\) tuples that it generates, from the \(N\)-gram to the unigram. In
our implementation, we perform smoothing separately for the (hidden)
Markov chain and for the tag-token emission probabilities. We use
\(N=2\) for a bigram HMM model.

\section{Implementation of the Viterbi Algorithm}

We implement the Viterbi algorithm in a straightforward translation of
the description provided by Jurafsky and Martin, with a couple of
modifications. The computation of the tag transition and the token
emission probabilities are done in probability masses themselves
(since we have to add probabilities from different models in KN
smoothing) but once computed, they are converted and accumulated as

We make a second modification: we only consider candidate tags for
which there has been an observed transition from the context tag. This
slightly reduces the accuracy when the correct tag involves an
unobserved transition from the current context, but greatly speeds up
the algorithm and its asymptotic performance if we reasonably assume
that the (observed) transition matrix from context to tag is sparse.

\section{Training and Running the Tagger}

To train the tagger, run:
python2 sents.train sents.devt model_file

To run the tagger on a test file, run:
python2 sents.test model_file sents.out

In both cases, the \texttt{} file should be present in the
same directory as the script file (\texttt{build\} or


\item Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin.
  2017. \textit{Speech and Language Processing (3rd Edition,
    August Draft).} [online] Available at\textasciitilde jurafsky/slp3/ [Accessed 28 Sep.\


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A straightforward HMM Tagger implemented in python2 utilizing unmodified Kneser-Ney smoothing.







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