This is a POC project demonstrating use of passport and oauth2orize to implement an OpenID Connect Provider. Currently, this project supports:
- Authorization Code flow
- ID Token issuance and userinfo support
- Local (Username and password), Github, and Google account login
- Local user signup
- Identifier-first login
- Account linking between federated user accounts and local accounts (prompts for the local account password before linking)
- Consent page
- OIDC RP-Initiated Logout (per (WIP)
- Refresh tokens (limited to refresh token issuance currently, support for refresh token exchange is WIP)
- Unit tests (WIP)
- Prompt=consent support
- Rate limiting (all requests limited to 10 per minute per IP)
- OpenID Discovery endpoint
I want to eventually add support for other flows and features, but this is all a WIP. Also note that none of this is intended for production use.
This project is deployed at You can use a demo client to test it out - available at
- clean up token generation :-/
- unit tests
- Email first login page allows you to submit an empty email