Evolution of art works by adding, changing, coloring ...
You know the coloring books for adults where you can spend hours or even days creating beautiful unique copies? While one purpose is to relax while coloring them it would be nice to share your version with the world.
see http://picturEvolution.org for an old static one-page proof of concept
This will be possible with picturEvolution:
- DONE everyone can share her art works with the world
- TODO you can rate the artworks with up to five stars
- TODO you can sell your own art works for one Euro as PDF Download
- TODO you can auction the original for a price you can define
- TODO modified copies can be uploaded and connected to the original
The revenues will be divided:
- 1/3 of the revenues are donated to http://plant-for-the-planet.org to do something against the climate change
- 1/3 is used for further development and hosting costs
- 1/3 goes back to the creator of the artwork
You will need Leiningen 1.7.0 or above installed.
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein ring server
Use Postgresql (9.5.14) sudo -i -u postgres psql
alter user admin with password 'admin';
psql admin -h -d picturevolution
\q to quit
\d show relations
- IN-PROGRESS add statistics (users, images, downloads, size of images, last added user, last added picture, ...)
- provide download for free artwork (static download file)
- provide download for every artwork (create pdf and download file)
- add gravatar to home galleries
- use name from gravatar profile
- rotate the image (portrait/landscape)
GNU General Public License v3.0
Copyright © 2018 Christian Gruber