make your state can be manage eazy. and it works for Vue 2 & 3!
it works for Vue 2 & 3 by the power of vue-demi!
npm i vue-resetable-state
import { useResetableState } from 'vue-resetable-state'
const state = useResetableState({ name: 'pipi', id: 9507 })
console.log(state.value) // { name: 'pipi', id: 9507 } = 'didi'
console.log(state.changed) // true
// your can reset it!
Takes an inner value and returns a reactivity and mutable、resetable object, which has a single property .value that points to the inner value.
function useResetableState<T extends ResetableStateCollections>(
initialState: MaybeRef<T>,
options?: {
autoPull?: boolean
exclued?: (keyof T)[]
): ResetableState<ReactiveState<T>>
type BaseTypes = string | number | boolean | undefined | null
type ResetableStateCollections = {
[K: string | number]: ResetableStateCollections | BaseTypes
| Array<ResetableStateCollections | BaseTypes>
- Object of array or plain object.
- Can be a reactivity object when you configure autoPull option.
- autoPull: auto merge initalState to copied state when initalState change, need it an reactivity value.
- exclued: A collection of properties that do not need to be observed or set.
A ResetableState
reactivity object.
interface ResetableState<T> {
readonly value: T
readonly changed: boolean
reset: () => void
commit: () => void
pull: () => void
- value: a reactivity object, can be modified and reset, but cannot be set.
- changed: a getter and return a
, readonly prop.
reset value from copied of the initialState
const obj = { a: 1 } const state = useResetableState(obj) state.value.a = 2 console.log(state.value) // { a: 2 } state.reset() console.log(state.value) // { a: 1 }
submit change to copied of the initialState
const obj = { a: 1 } const state = useResetableState(obj) state.value.a = 2 console.log(state.changed) // true state.commit() console.log(state.changed) // false
pull latest initialState to the inner copied
const obj = { a: 1 } const state = useResetableState(obj) obj.a = 2 console.log(state.changed) // false state.pull() console.log(state.changed) // true, because state.value !== copied state // your can reset it, make the state.value will equal obj. state.reset() console.log(state.changed) // false