One is set to implement an interface to a financial service which has the following actions:
- Create an account
- Create an transaction
To use the application you'll first have to set up the database environment. The project defaults to PostgreSQL and as such you will need to have this database installed.
I prefer to set up an entire database infrastructure that contains the tables for the application and for that I create an user and a database.
# Log yourself in using the postgres user and open the PostgreSQL interface
$ sudo su postgres
$ psql
# Create a role and a database
psql=> CREATE ROLE pismo WITH PASSWORD 'a-very-strong-password';
psql=> CREATE DATABASE pismo;
Depending on your PostgreSQL system configuration you might not be able to
execute the following command. If so, alter the login method from peer to
md5 in the file etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf
(it migth vary from
system to system)
$ cat *.sql | psql -U pismo -d pismo -W -1
To use the apaplication natively you can just build it with the following command.
go build -o pismo.out src/*.go
After that you simply execute the binary and voilá.
To use the app as a docker you'll just to run the make with the docker-run
target and it will run a new docker container (if not already built).