Tool for studying DNA sequence alignment using DeepLearning
Herramienta para el estudio del alineamiento de secuencias de ADN mediante DeepLearning
To use it is necessary to install the following libraries:
Framework Aplication
pip install flask
pip install flask-debugtoolbar
Library to science data and machine learning:
pip install pandas
pip install sklern
pip install Matplotlib
pip install db-sqlite3
pip install tensorflow
pip install keras
Presentation: TFG - Presentacion - Alineamiento de secuencias ADN - JuanFIllan.pdf
Project document: TFG - Alineamiento de secuencias ADN - JuanFIllan.pdf
Then it can be executed by launching the following command:
> python.exe '.\BioinformaticsWebsite\'
The web application will respond to requests in the URL:
The project is deployed in:
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