Collabo is a social web application that simplifies the collaboration process. Our goal is to allow users to pitch project ideas and work with like-minded indivudals within their community.
Quick Sign In
- Username: guest
- Password: guest
Collabo follows RESTful routing conventions and implements CRUD to allow users to manage Posts, Updates, and Comments.
Public Folder CSS files
Views Folder .ejs files that render all web pages
Models Folder
- Mongo Schemas
- Embedded data
- Project Schema references Comments Schema and Update Schema
- User Schema references their own Projects and is referenced by Update, Project, and Comment Schemas
Routes Folder
- Handles and renders all user requests
- Middleware used to check if current User is logged in to determine whether or not they can make POST requests
- Middleware to check author of current Project before they make a DELETE request
NPM Packages used
- EJS, express, mongoose, body-parser, moment.js
- passport.js (for authentication and security)
- James Chen - jimbot
- Zafir Damani - zafird
- Kevin Chung - kchung90
- Tanush Verma - TanushParkashVerma