🌱 Full-stack Developer | Startup Growth Enthusiast | Free Software Advocate
🔭 I’m currently working on leading engineering at Gps Renewables and building innovative solutions for green and sustainable energy. I am also leading the development at Computing Freedom Collective, a free software-based startup focused on humanitarian objectives.
🌱 I’m currently learning more about software architectures and bulding scalable web applications.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects, particularly those focused on sustainability or social impact. I am also open to collaborating with early-stage startups to help them achieve their growth goals.
🤔 Seeking mentorship in full-stack development for building enterprise, large-scale, scalable product platforms.
💬 Ask me about free software, startup growth, sustainable tech, or anything related to software development! I'm also happy to share my experiences in building and leading teams.
📫 How to reach me:
⚡ Fun fact:I'm all about hard work and empathy,but I also wouldn't say no to a little cosmic boost!.
Let's connect and build a better future together!