This package converts sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
LIDAR data to nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid
2D map data based on intensity and / or height.
If you would like to use ROS 1 version (melodic, noetic), please go to ROS1
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone -b ros2
cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build --packages-select pointcloud_to_grid --symlink-install
Don't foget to source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
- Few dependencies (ROS 2 and PCL mainly) ROS installation
- Simple as possible
- Fast
In a new terminal go to your bag folder (e.g. ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
Download a sample rosbag (~3,3 GB) (TODO: update to ROS 2 `mcap``):
wget -O leaf-2021-04-23-campus.bag
Play rosbag:
ros2 bag play -l ~/Downloads/leaf-2021-04-23-campus.bag
Start the algorithm in a new terminal :
ros2 launch pointcloud_to_grid
Alternatively, start with subscribing to /my_custom_cloud_topic
ros2 launch pointcloud_to_grid topic:=my_custom_cloud_topic
Start the visualization in a new terminal :
ros2 launch pointcloud_to_grid
- - This is a C++ library with ROS interface to manage two-dimensional grid maps with multiple data layers.
- - A similar solution but instead PointCloud2 it uses PointCloud
In VS code it is advised to add the following to include path:
If you are not sure where your header files are use e.g.:
find /usr/include -name point_cloud.h
find /usr/include -name crop_box.h
If you use any of this code please consider citing TODO: