Ember integration for the awesome Apollo GraphQL Client.
Checkout the example app here.
Warning: This addon is a work in progress. It has not been tested and may not work!
ember install ember-apollo
You will also need to install peer dependencies
npm install --save-dev apollo-client graphql-tag
ember install ember-browserify
(needed to use npm dependencies in the browser)
ember generate service apollo-client
- import and extend the ApolloService
- import ApolloClient
- override initApolloClient() and return an ApolloClient instance. See Apollo docs on the ApolloClient constructor and network interfaces
// app/services/apollo-client.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import ApolloClientService from 'ember-apollo/services/apollo-client';
// this is necessary to get around some limitations of ember-browserify
import ACImports from 'npm:apollo-client';
const {default: ApolloClient, createNetworkInterface} = ACImports;
//extend ApolloClientService, not Ember.Service
export default ApolloClientService.extend({
// override this method to setup your network interface and return an ApolloClient instance.
initApolloClient() {
const net = createNetworkInterface({uri: 'http://my-graphql-server/gql'});
return new ApolloClient({networkInterface: net});
ember-apollo is designed for you to run graphql queries in the model hook of your routes.
- Import and extend ApolloRoute
- Import the
and use it to write your queries - Use the
function to execute your query in the model hook - ember-apollo with call ApolloClient.watchQuery under the hood and subscribe to any changes in the query results. Your model will be updated (triggering rerender) if any changes occur.
// app/routes/some-route.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import gql from 'npm:graphql-tag';
import ApolloRoute from 'ember-apollo/routes/apollo-route';
// create your query
const query = gql`
query Test
allFilms {
edges {
node {
// extend ApolloRoute instead of Ember.Route
export default ApolloRoute.extend({
// the apollo-client service is injected automatically
model() {
const options = {}; //any options that ApolloClient.watchQuery allows
return this.query(query, options);
Mutations can be written in any action handler using the standard ApolloClient API:
\\ some-route.js
const mutation = gql`
mutation {
... your mutation here ...
apolloClient: Ember.service.inject(),
actions: {
someAction() {
this.get('apolloClient').mutate({ mutation }); //returns a promise
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://ember-cli.com/.