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Joseph Lizier edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 5 revisions

Process to follow on making a new release of JIDT


This page, intended for developers, outlines the process we follow in making a new release of JIDT:

  1. Check the PDFs for all Demos and Course in the repository are up to date (works better from Chrome)
  2. Update build.xml for the new version number
  3. Update readme-template.txt and with release notes etc
  4. Build the releases in a clean checkout.
  5. Check sha1 of the new release: sha1sum
  6. Post release zip/tar.gz to both:
    1. github new release
    2., and make new download counter pages ready for it and chmod them via ssh access to the web hosting.
  7. Post the Javadocs to and link from our Documentation page
  8. Link to the new code on the Downloads page, Installation page and the front page of the github site
  9. Update news on front page of github with release notes and about the release (need to mirror these on top page of wiki, and the site)
  10. Mail the mailing list
  11. Tweet about the new release
  12. Update jar to clojars
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