Build Wheels for New Release with Prioritization #32
on: workflow_dispatch
Textgen Prioritized
Define Build Matrix
CPU-only Prioritized
Define Build Matrix
MacOS Metal Prioritized
Define Build Matrix
Main Prioritized
Define Build Matrix
ROCm Prioritized
Define Build Matrix
Matrix: Textgen Prioritized / build_wheels
Matrix: CPU-only Prioritized / build_wheels
Matrix: MacOS Metal Prioritized / build_wheels
Matrix: Main Prioritized / build_wheels
Matrix: ROCm Prioritized / build_wheels
Main Prioritized
Define Build Matrix
Matrix: Main Prioritized / Build CPU-only Wheels / build_wheels
Waiting for pending jobs
Matrix: Main Wheels / build_wheels
Matrix: Main Wheels / Build CPU-only Wheels / build_wheels
Waiting for pending jobs
Matrix: Textgen Wheels / build_wheels
Matrix: CPU-only Wheels / build_wheels
Matrix: MacOS Metal Wheels / build_wheels
Matrix: ROCm Wheels / build_wheels
390 errors and 312 warnings
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9C24:7811:BB24CA9:18774836:658950A4.
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID DC01:1335:967A36F:1393A43D:658950A4.
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 07DC:0D0E:26486D7:510F8E5:658950A4.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8C1B:77C4:B728522:17F40FAC:658950A4.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 33C0:78C9:D953AFD:1C2EF3ED:658950A8.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2858:12EC:8B0458A:1220148D:6589512B.
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FC60:66AB:6F013FC:73D63D3:65895128.
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4068:3196:28A33F9:559F24A:65895132.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC10:1341:9E30D30:14B45C9B:6589513A.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2018:6F4B:261D461:50B3016:6589513B.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2068:3B8F:1B91FB2:1D287F1:6589514F.
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6808:6A45:2751C05:531582A:65895164.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1018:94FF:7F6ECB4:8506C5B:65895381.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5840:62E4:274501E:52FE4B5:6589538A.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2018:58D0:2788C92:5389F45:6589538A.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2C00:5E7D:283DC4E:54EF673:6589538F.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7BC0:23CA:26E4293:5236456:658953A9.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AC40:2D3C:279016E:538AFC9:658953B4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0FC0:97CF:4CF4837:50BC789:658953B5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4440:2D3C:279057D:538B82A:658953B7.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:1941:C786FA3:19F82665:658953EF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9000:70D2:7D84CD6:82C0A87:658953F0.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7420:6F4B:26538A0:51246E2:658953F6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2C00:6F4B:2653AB6:5124AC5:658953F7.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 83C0:3A61:133F8EE:145809A:658953F6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3C00:6EA0:252943D:4ECFA49:658953F8.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 43C0:3767:BD9FF99:18BE04FF:658953FD.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2018:2F6E:78D8963:7DD996A:658953F9.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F400:181E:8740C69:11AD05DE:658953FA.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5400:1CCF:27BE01F:53EED76:65895400.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8140:66AB:6F2AD61:7401C74:658953FD.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7400:0F17:26845AA:517F2D9:65895401.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8410:109B:BA019FA:184F6D49:6589563B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9C80:70D2:7DA89FA:82E618F:65895652.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1088:94FF:7F97B63:8531B10:65895667.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2470:35EC:DAEB4E1:1C5DF2F9:65895672.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4410:6E2B:15E21A:170E0C:65895680.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4C80:12C1:3636458:721A318:65895696.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C80:3B8F:1BD2003:1D6C249:658956A2.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3C60:677D:5FB299:64DE9F:658956A6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C60:70D2:7DAD2C9:82EADE0:658956A2.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C80:975A:B0AE9AE:172ADB3C:658956AE.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1400:4D9E:BE82F91:18DE92E2:658956B7.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4088:677D:5FC0A6:64ED7B:658956BA.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3C80:3DAE:928410E:9890D06:658956BE.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:1941:C7B935C:19FEBA33:658956CD.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1018:3B8F:1BD47B0:1D6EBE2:658956D2.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID DC60:94FF:7F9E2E0:8538722:658956D4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A008:2D3C:27D3965:5417887:65895704.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E470:164E:D421E27:1B874BA0:65895729.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AC60:461A:BF5BC11:C579B9C:65895736.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3400:6EA0:256819D:4F531AF:6589574B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6400:6BB4:2936452:56DD446:65895871.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C400:41E9:2605BF6:509277C:658958B6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 93C0:912D:B9DD0E3:184B98CD:658958BA.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5C10:677D:615C02:669F03:658958C0.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FBC0:1319:8DAEEF9:129E0597:658958CA.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D3C0:0B57:BA9C08D:1864A59D:658958E5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E000:79B4:29E31D4:584138B:658958F5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C00:5D3C:7A4030A:7F41B80:658958F8.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4000:9EDB:249F26C:4DC4517:6589591A.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:7FC4:BB14917:1872BCD5:65895920.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C00:2F6B:8CEB06C:1252741A:65895933.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1040:35EC:DB296E8:1C65FA46:65895930.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A818:677D:61BB1E:67032A:65895937.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C00:7C48:C5EDF30:19C58857:65895947.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7B80:8B36:D009CC4:1B07858F:65895951.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6400:1373:8D9E088:12840D3D:65895957.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E3C0:1379:10B01C5:2399624:6589595A.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3BC0:9BF5:27341CA:52E7D69:65895979.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7400:35C6:288D945:5594892:65895986.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5C40:3B8F:1BFC2F2:1D98776:658959C9.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8009:7811:BBE992E:18910F03:65895AD6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5D00:541B:283C045:54F14AF:65895ADD.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4400:59CE:CE549BC:1ACEB653:65895B17.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9B80:7C48:C616B45:19CAD582:65895B25.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0C60:3DAE:92D00ED:98E0365:65895BC0.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C00:912D:BA12ED7:1852AE7C:65895BCB.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4C80:8187:17A0269:18FF149:65895BE0.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6410:2F6E:795A9CA:7E61064:65895BEC.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B008:13C8:7EFDC82:10A260FA:65895BEF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A068:290E:DFEC2EE:1CFF6CCE:65895C0E.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7068:185E:BF62261:18FB3FF2:65895C0C.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4470:5D7F:1B2FFBA:1CA5EB5:65895C09.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8878:4140:7B0BEDA:805B77A:65895C0D.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0808:619C:2767ED5:5341F71:65895C0F.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D858:9BF5:276188C:5347A33:65895C26.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E878:5C32:D736D0A:1BE60AB0:65895C54.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C50:6EA0:25C4CDA:5016387:65895C65.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F032:136D:ABC22FC:16612BDE:65895EAE.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 885D:408B:60F8769:652552A:65895EAE.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0470:3A61:13C8732:14E864E:65895ECC.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3800:12C8:72A93D6:F07D25B:65895EE8.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5C60:76AD:64F4559:697E6B9:65895ECD.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 23C0:2D3C:285F6F9:553D9A2:65895EFB.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4470:408B:60FB235:652822C:65895EE1.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7808:38CF:39404AB:3B9FD08:65895EF8.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 63C0:7C1A:BD80D47:18BE4E47:65895F1A.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3C80:97CF:4D826F8:51521B4:65895F0A.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4BC0:12B7:92BE8B7:132AA4E2:65895F4B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9C10:3B8F:1C42BE1:1DE2CBB:65895F50.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1808:7383:2AF67E2:5A5A192:65895FDB.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5BC0:1373:8E21845:12953211:65895FEC.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6800:12C8:72C97D6:F0C042B:6589607D.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC10:762F:D34EAA7:1B69DF7D:6589609C.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EBC0:164E:D4E61BC:1BA0CDF4:658960A7.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C00:3A61:13E02D9:150188A:658960D6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4840:12C8:72D3905:F0D53B1:658960F4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7018:3B8F:1C58485:1DF97D8:65896104.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6008:3A61:13E30CE:1504864:65896104.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3C00:6B43:EDD201C:1EBA4F2E:6589611B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6BC0:6283:B8E1897:182ACC68:65896124.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6000:12C8:72DB402:F0E54C6:65896154.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2410:6E2B:1E5DCE:20051D:658961AF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7858:7FC4:BBAE204:1886E793:658961B4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC00:2F6E:79B957E:7EC3D41:658961E8.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6410:8187:17E6FEF:194A161:658961FD.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0878:38CF:3978A5E:3BDA3F7:65896200.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4C60:7383:2B23818:5AB80F3:65896204.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:1373:8E4B15D:129A9CF1:6589620F.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8068:135C:7E88715:109F9B2A:65896272.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A400:4140:7B776E5:80CBB98:658962FF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1858:135F:AD28908:168A41C0:65896305.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4400:290E:E0718CF:1D10D856:65896304.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8058:181E:886829B:11D39006:65896349.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1858:97CF:4DB9468:518C02C:65896388.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D470:130F:5D13D3F:C32A2AC:658963B2.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B410:0472:27D552B:5444662:658963D2.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F878:8187:17FF1E9:1963774:658963D5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6C00:65CB:BD631AB:18BDAE82:65896423.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F068:12C8:7312210:F157FC4:6589641B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1068:39E2:2924EF1:56DF2F4:65896420.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0410:1335:98175A0:13C953FF:65896456.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7068:76AD:653B7BB:69C9439:65896439.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CC60:1F8F:B64467C:17DB34FB:65896463.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0800:295B:BA705E4:18605BE5:65896487.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BBC0:13B4:92CD409:1327EC91:6589648B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9470:1BD6:6BE07AC:70CC3AF:6589649B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3858:4140:7B90B71:80E61E9:658964A0.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C80:6E2B:20919D:225A24:658964B4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4400:295B:BA777B6:18614C58:658964F5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 33C0:0D0E:27EA4EF:54787FD:65896515.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C7C0:3A61:14204CE:1544DD2:6589657F.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E000:3196:2A3CA00:58F5CCB:65896585.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7FC0:1373:8E94817:12A43425:658965D3.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2000:12C1:37960F7:74F3287:658965F6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:6F4B:27ABC96:53F61AC:65896609.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC00:03BA:28443D8:55115D4:65896616.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7018:762F:D3BE19E:1B78681A:65896639.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8008:3A61:1429316:154E44E:6589663F.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6C00:209D:B387090:1783B05F:6589667F.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2019:130D:BA4ADB2:18358873:658966A2.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9800:1F8F:B67450C:17E17556:658966A4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2FC0:89B3:C729EAD:19FADEC4:658966C1.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4800:1467:8B4FA16:123E565E:658966CA.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC10:03BA:285505E:5534A46:658966F5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4C20:6283:E727426:1DE14FDD:658966F5.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4400:6FD8:279AFF3:53CDFCD:65896720.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CC00:541B:2924365:56D7EB7:65896724.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6BC0:9BF5:2816B53:54C5DEC:65896726.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0C80:3DAE:9387A85:99A0096:658967D4.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5068:461A:C06E1A8:C697925:658967FF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B470:677D:6D670F:73522C:65896833.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5470:6EA0:269D2D0:51DBC21:6589683C.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5470:408B:61887AE:65BC0BC:65896888.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2460:181E:88C9E1C:11E05F28:658968CB.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A008:76AD:657C812:6A0D82E:658968F7.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2848:2DE8:284752C:552E68E:658968FF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8068:70D2:7EB04F2:83FA7F4:658968FF.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E858:109B:BB3BDEF:1878EB7C:6589695C.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6068:136B:A89AD03:160C8714:6589697B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E400:6283:E75CEE3:1DE84BA9:6589697B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:66AB:7064562:754A2CF:6589699B.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3858:12B7:9389644:134526B9:658969CB.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CC00:1340:9CE391C:1498F159:658969D7.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C20:4140:7BDC2D3:8135276:658969D6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C400:12CB:7D216B9:106F9B9C:658969E6.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F460:6F91:B3D7DD3:17918111:658969FE.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7058:62E4:28BD5C5:5616AD4:658969FE.
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E470:740B:CFA957E:1AFAFDF8:65896A1F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C04:2797:28F24F6:568450B:65896DFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5038:1335:98CD2FE:13E11464:65896DFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7816:8B36:D19D559:1B3C3F2F:65896DFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4C2B:265F:295A3BA:574F4B8:65896DFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7682:5F2D:C1A731A:193E530D:65896DFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6C8A:5D7F:1C10C17:1D92E70:65896DFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3BC1:3A61:14854F4:15AFB93:65896DFD.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2000:44E9:BB3A5ED:1878FEEE:65896E06.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C400:912D:BB67286:187F565A:65896E13.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C400:94FF:80D4598:867E986:65896E05.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0808:27DA:29F27F3:58777FC:65896E43.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3470:70D2:7EFA42E:844807B:65896E44.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C470:3B8F:1CF58CD:1E9FD3F:65896E59.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2068:677D:71FDA8:782BAF:65896E5A.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4868:5E7D:2A64A5E:596CDC0:65896E87.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1008:4129:D88B302:1C12A7AA:65896EC8.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5470:5C32:D8C21C2:1C1956D3:65896EC8.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC00:408B:61F2B2C:662B57B:65896FFC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8100:740B:D02967F:1B0B9628:65897005.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9BC0:92F9:12E57:29100:65897018.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1400:1373:8F64BF6:12BF57B6:6589706B.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 33C0:62E4:2937B06:5716CEA:6589706E.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FC00:5D7F:1C3392E:1DB76CE:6589707B.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A3C0:6283:E7FEC06:1DFD3A85:65897081.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3878:3B8F:1D1638D:1EC1ED1:65897070.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5828:3A61:14A65B8:15D274A:6589706C.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8420:88A7:D9C2CC1:1C37AF3C:6589708E.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B440:8FC3:28AD614:5608526:6589709D.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4440:6889:2B1A0A7:5AD309F:658970C0.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC10:1337:5F6C863:C84A4E5:658970CA.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3BC0:4713:D34C8F5:1B6CECA8:658970DE.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3800:05F6:B065F13:17241014:658970E4.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0808:1309:97B26C9:13E615DC:658970CE.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5C00:15A6:5AB1DC2:5ECA5AE:65897117.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0800:0EBF:26DEB67:526D504:6589714F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:1341:A08E75B:1503AAAD:65897137.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 07C0:541B:29E46F2:5869BA1:65897156.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0C60:604C:27D9CC7:545FF73:658972BD.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BBC0:12B7:9427D0F:1359F0C3:658972DD.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2400:0F17:28B2222:5611919:658972E6.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C10:76AD:6600AF4:6A987A1:658972F0.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6400:6B43:EF41050:1EEA1442:65897311.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3878:1312:C69547F:19C4D6CE:65897318.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1088:38CF:3AB44A5:3D219B6:6589731F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C10:94FF:8124209:86D2048:65897350.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7410:408B:622592D:6660873:65897364.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9470:9BF5:28FB264:56A4913:65897386.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8008:136D:AD478CD:169423DB:65897387.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3470:70D2:7F4BE3A:849D494:65897398.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC10:13C8:80B6F7C:10DC3514:658973C4.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1008:6952:24387:4E2B7:658973CB.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4048:854B:C3D85FF:19883262:658973B1.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6C10:96F1:20BEE:46F50:658973C8.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9008:3196:2B5A2B5:5B49812:658973EC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E410:0E25:DB56716:1C6F7B7F:658973E2.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4858:27DA:2A65AF2:59682CC:6589740A.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5858:3D1A:B763B0C:1803ACE1:6589743C.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6400:12B5:68C16FC:DC33232:6589753F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F280:130D:BB8425F:185E3D8F:65897540.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E400:3767:C018E75:1910D252:65897555.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3018:13C8:80D5A35:10E0394B:65897576.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 23C0:6283:E86FFE2:1E0BEAEE:65897579.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1001:35EC:DD9F386:1CB7B62E:658975A2.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7BC0:3DAE:946900D:9A8AD02:658975AF.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 77C0:2425:AF746F8:170563A7:658975DC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7400:70D2:7F6D195:84C01AE:658975F4.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D878:3A61:14F33B5:16234DE:65897633.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3018:70D2:7F716E3:84C4A3B:65897641.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2898:1EA8:29EAFA7:58812CA:65897647.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7878:5D3C:7C1C15F:8131E38:658976BF.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D470:2425:AF82A65:17074533:658976C2.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4878:70D2:7F78548:84CBE0F:658976C0.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0C20:6E2B:2F1D30:31ACC4:658976C4.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7878:130F:5E8768E:C632784:658976E2.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5858:5D3C:7C1ED31:8134C0B:658976F2.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C808:136D:AD914CF:169DC0BC:6589772A.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:88A7:DA5239F:1C4A56DC:6589776F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:135C:8022E2A:10D554AE:65897798.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8420:2D9D:27A5C49:540E377:6589779F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5008:112F:945C7F2:135C4EBD:658977AC.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3068:5D7F:1C99A34:1E229DC:65897805.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5400:327C:D65CD69:1BD4AA4A:6589784D.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D470:5D3C:7C35790:814C54B:6589784F.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3C60:41E9:283977E:5526D60:65897857.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6888:2425:AF9BC54:170A994F:65897860.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D018:12CB:7E1174B:108F4B5A:6589789A.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B400:975A:B2F5D51:1777CC05:658978C7.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FC10:7383:2D00403:5E98745:658978C7.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AC20:7811:BDFF33F:18D72F85:658978CF.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 203C:0F17:2936045:5725E52:658979CE.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2808:6F91:B4DF591:17B454FC:65897A09.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC60:3B8F:1D9C7B7:1F4EB82:65897A0A.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8400:2D9D:27D828E:5478501:65897A98.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:7811:BE232A5:18DBEE7B:65897AF0.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5C20:1EA8:2A4E949:59509FA:65897AF8.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1470:461A:C1AD38C:C7E3CAA:65897B21.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9470:15A6:5B4144D:5F60CBD:65897B4E.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B878:3DAE:94C4A72:9AEA4D4:65897B54.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC60:7811:BE2E4C5:18DD6446:65897B8C.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B400:3D1A:B7D1831:18124736:65897BD1.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C10:5E7D:2B7019D:5B9BEE4:65897BDD.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2088:130D:BC0D078:187009E0:65897BDE.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0818:2797:29F56C7:58A3B93:65897BDB.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3018:7862:CE03924:1AC70B98:65897C86.
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8CA0:1309:986D77F:13FECCAD:65897C8D.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.11 CPU basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1BC0:109B:BC8FDE0:18A5A147:65897CF0.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.8 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1808:1304:7A3D01D:101160B5:65897CEF.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.10 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C00:5A67:2A045E9:58CEB7E:65897CF2.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.11 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6BC0:585F:D8A43E3:1C1CB3A1:65897CF4.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.8 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8C10:1322:9621FCA:13BA7C6E:65897CF5.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.10 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C000:76AD:668163F:6B1FFFC:65897CF3.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.8 CPU basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4C00:604C:289187A:55E1D63:65897CF7.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.10 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 83C0:94FF:81B12E5:8765B88:65897CF5.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.11 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1400:41E9:288D040:55D6A98:65897CFA.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.11 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C10:0472:29A7841:5815921:65897D01.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.8 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C00:109B:BC91056:18A5C7F7:65897D00.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.8 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CC80:5D7F:1CDA39C:1E66A94:65897D1B.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.10 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C20:4140:7CFD098:8263350:65897D1B.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.11 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3068:3DAE:94E20CD:9B08EC0:65897D1D.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.9 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6FC0:1F48:E455168:1D8BA22B:65897D22.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.11 CPU basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7808:76AD:66842DA:6B22E5B:65897D1F.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.9 CPU basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 53C0:1CCF:2ADD7CD:5A74D15:65897D26.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.9 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FFC0:6F91:B50EB3D:17BA977F:65897D27.
CPU-only Wheels / ubuntu-20.04 3.9 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4000:295B:BC0B192:18962674:65897D2E.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.11 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8008:2425:AFE3C92:17142A7E:65897D36.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.11 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2C10:585F:D8AA952:1C1D86E0:65897D42.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.10 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID E470:3196:2C1094E:5CC6E0C:65897D4C.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.8 CPU basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D470:3A61:155BA2B:169098C:65897D4A.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.8 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1858:14BF:A6ADC12:15C5D530:65897D4C.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.10 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2C60:3196:2C11208:5CC8024:65897D52.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.9 CPU AVX2
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A858:38CF:3B75AEB:3DE9FDB:65897D52.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.9 CPU AVX
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6068:15A6:5B5E215:5F7F0F6:65897D55.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.9 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AC60:1BE7:2A62BC3:5988A2F:65897D6E.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.8 CPU AVX512
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5470:6F4B:295F9F0:578877F:65897D8D.
CPU-only Wheels / windows-latest 3.9 CPU basic
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C878:5978:C59E9:1A20F3:65897D95.
MacOS Metal Wheels / macos-12 Python 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B94C:4140:7D0ACC0:827192F:65897DFC.
MacOS Metal Wheels / macos-12 Python 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B104:30FE7D:2DC62:47DC9:65897E00.
MacOS Metal Wheels / macos-12 Python 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AA2C:1BD6:6D1FAB7:721CEDC:65897E04.
MacOS Metal Wheels / macos-13 Python 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BE5F:30FE7D:2DDC6:4802C:65897E2B.
MacOS Metal Wheels / macos-13 Python 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9E49:E57F1:4C9D57:72F86C:65897E38.
MacOS Metal Wheels / macos-13 Python 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AB56:1401D:681691:9BA7D5:65897E8D.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1000:34DB:2B7702D:5BAD6E6:65897FB6.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4420:6283:BB2A8D9:187777C3:65897FB6.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7C00:12DF:B233589:17306863:65897FBE.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C40:130D:BC5EFAC:187AAA77:65897FC6.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID C018:619C:2A036B9:58B69E6:65897FE2.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6400:1EA8:2ABD9F7:5A37D6A:65897FF5.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1BC0:132B:5F2EB7D:C72B270:65898000.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8400:35EC:DE7B24A:1CD441A7:65898005.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5C10:44E9:BC8D5E4:18A56B7C:65898008.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC00:12B5:6990B0E:DDE5DED:65898046.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F000:1379:1325474:28C8C84:6589804E.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6600:2DE8:29F1CD3:58AD489:6589805B.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D400:2DE8:29F30DE:58AFDD6:6589806B.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 73C0:7383:2D9D475:5FE00DB:65898080.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FFC0:13B4:9500EB8:13715D1A:65898090.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4800:2DE8:29F8649:58BACAC:658980AB.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FC10:0E25:DC5E28E:1C91BEED:658980AD.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5808:1467:8D36448:127E27D4:658980AE.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3808:740B:D18CD79:1B39C14F:658980BB.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.10
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F420:4140:7D38086:82A0B3E:658980C3.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1C20:27DA:2B6ABBC:5B8874A:658980CF.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8C00:601F:119619:24E9DF:6589818B.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BC10:6430:B74B1D2:17FD7CA5:6589818F.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F000:59CE:D15AD29:1B339389:658981AB.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:6889:2C5E660:5D7A35E:658981C7.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4000:1379:133CC92:28FAAF7:658981CD.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1BC0:4A21:2B1F4C7:5B023D9:658981CF.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9480:9BF5:2A06B86:58D5196:658981CC.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9C10:6430:B74F4EA:17FE081D:658981CF.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID A028:8B36:D3465E8:1B73871A:658981D6.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 8C10:3196:2C76CBF:5D9ADAE:658981DF.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EC10:89B3:C966DE0:1A45AF27:658981ED.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 0400:112F:952B9DB:13773FE3:65898200.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1018:5DF0:29D8FDF:5865D8A:65898202.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4420:5D66:B9263EE:18381073:6589821F.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 9BC0:5D66:B9289EA:18385E8F:6589823E.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6420:1341:A1E5ABC:15307E89:6589824F.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EBC0:327C:D72AA74:1BEF717A:65898253.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.11
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID B000:6F91:B562167:17C59CEA:65898257.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6818:77C4:BABB815:186C28B4:658982BF.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5808:461A:C22BB50:C8679B2:658982EA.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1780:78C9:DD13F72:1CAC42EE:658982FD.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FC00:1941:CAC140A:1A6415CE:65898324.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID AC00:604C:290327E:56CFB32:6589833C.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CBC0:740B:D1C1A16:1B40A452:6589834A.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID D420:461A:C232885:C86EB02:6589834A.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EFC0:1304:7AAE419:102048E1:65898359.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CBC0:2D3C:2B032D9:5AC5BED:6589835D.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FFC0:7C48:C92C0CC:1A31D344:6589837D.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 53C0:03BA:2A72201:59A0DEF:65898384.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2000:62E4:2A95888:59F45A7:6589838A.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID EFC0:130D:BCA2CCA:1883917D:65898392.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.4.2 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID F818:62E6:BE40DF1:18DD06F3:65898395.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7B40:76AD:66DFE8D:6B831F9:658983B9.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 2018:7C1A:C03FBA5:191A0723:658983C2.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 7400:6E2B:3A4995:3D6A4B:658983EC.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.8
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5400:2F6E:7BB64D6:80D801A:65898406.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 3400:1312:C7F478F:19F2843F:6589841B.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6BC0:5D7F:1D2E2ED:1EBF689:65898424.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID BBC0:9BF5:2A3DF02:5948655:65898495.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FFC0:35EC:DEE2693:1CE1B10D:658984B0.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID FBC0:740B:D1DE4FC:1B446569:658984C9.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.5 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 5400:740B:D1E5454:1B454CBB:6589851F.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6C10:135F:AFF0C60:16E6EFC9:65898524.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 1420:478C:BBC9D79:188ECCA2:65898530.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 4400:1304:7ACDC5D:102470AB:65898533.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6400:9EC4:2A25EEB:591C760:65898534.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 AVX2 ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID 6C00:2DE8:2A5193F:5974E42:65898567.
ROCm Wheels / Build ubuntu-20.04 basic ROCm 5.6.1 Textgen Wheel 3.9
API rate limit exceeded for installation ID 37338386. If you reach out to GitHub Support for help, please include the request ID CC10:7184:DBD90CE:1C809435:65898567.
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Prioritized / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX512
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.6.2 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Main Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.10 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.11 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.11 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.8 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel ubuntu-20.04 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.7.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 11.8.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.0.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 basic
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.2.0 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Textgen Wheels / Build Wheel windows-latest 3.9 12.1.1 AVX2
Mamba support is still experimental and can result in differently solved environments!
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
1.09 GB |
1.09 GB |
1.16 GB |
1.06 GB |
55.5 MB |
43.9 MB |
633 MB |
2.85 GB |