A Google Chrome extension created to be able to add URLs from web pages content without overwriting the data on the cliboard. It is implemented as context menus. This extension works on:
- Links
- Images
- HTML5 audio tag
- HTML5 video tag
- Page URLs (see below)
- Selected text
All the URLs are added in a new line.
[![Available in the Chrome Web Store][1]][2] [1]: https://developers.google.com/chrome/web-store/images/branding/ChromeWebStore_Badge_v2_206x58.png [2]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clipbuffer/kaljanbaemmkahepmddieipmafapobdb
Simple. After installing it just use the right click on whatever addess you want to copy and you should see a new entry in your contextual menu that looks like this:
Notice the Add link to clipboard mennu? You should click on that to add URLs to the clipboard without overwriting previous content stored in it. Questions?
Q: Yes. What if I just want to copy one URL?
A: Then you should use the Copy Link Address functionality that comes with the browser.
Q: And if I already have stuff on the clipboard but I want a fresh start?
A: Use the Copy Link Address functionality to add the first URL. After that just use
the entry provided by the extension.
Q: How do I add the URL of the page I'm on right now?
A: Just right click on anywhere aon the page and you should see and option for that.
Q: How do I clean the clipboard after usage?
A: The same way you do it whenever you use the clipboard: just overwrite it with
something else.