Android project created during the M-week (February 2014) at MakespaceMadrid to show how to manage Bluetooth Low Energy devices form an Android terminal. More information (in Spanish) available at:
A tutorial in English coming soon...
The application scans for any BLE device and its services and characteristics.
If the Yeelight Service is found, an activity can be launched to control colour and intensity of Yeelight Blue bulb
If SensorTag services are found, an activity can be launched to visualise the state of the buttons, ambient temperature (IR Temperature sensor) and humidity from the SensorTag.
If Tethercell service is found, an activity can be launched to change the state (OFF/ON) of the Tethercell battery and visualise its characterisctics
If HM10 service is found, an activity can be launched to connect to the HM10 and simulate a Serial connection to the module. An arduino skecth is included in the repository to show how HM10 module works.
If BLEDduino UART service is found, an activity can be launched to connect to the BLEduino and simulate a Serial connection to the module. You will need to upload BLEduino "Console Demo" sketch.
- upload "Console demo" sketch to BLEduino
- reset BLEduino with onboard Reset button
- open Arduino IDE console (this must be done after pressing the BLEduino reset button!)
- start BLE scanning from MSMSBLE Android app and select BLEduino device, UART service (shown in blue) and UART characteristics (also in blue).
This application has been tested on a Google Nexus 7 (2013 edition)
Free aplication available for download from Google Play:
Based on the API released by Yeelight:
Based on the code created by Dave Smith (Double Encore):
Based on the documentation of Texas Instruments SensorTag: