Latitude | Longitude | Elevation (m) | |
10-m | 45.9555431 | -78.0701136 | 229 |
46-m | 45.9554015 | -78.0727995 | 245 |
Separation: 208 m.
Gain on axis: 32 dB.
Gain off-axis: 5 dB or lower.
- Improve the model adding the ground plane behind the feed.
- Run the simulation with different feed misalignments.
- Assembly light weight signal sources for calibration.
Gain Details
The peak gain on-axis is 32 dB moving off-axis, gain falls to 5 dB or lower at 20 deg.
Calibration signal source Details
If hanging something to the 46-m antenna doesn't work, we can get a small drone with ~150 grams of payload. I can think on two fast solutions a small signal generator with an Arduino to switch the frequency every few seconds automatically and a known white source.
- Signal generator + control Arduino: 26 grams.
- Noise source + up converter: 43 grams Several parts can be cut to make it lighter.
- Supply: ~100 grams if going for the easy solution (AA batteries).
Using a small signal source allows to use small drones below the 250 grams limit to registering a drone.