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XGS is a Linux-based Apple IIGS emulator.

About This Version

This beta is a major rewrite of previous (pre-0.60) versions. The code has been converted to C++ and refactored to better match (when possible) how the actual hardware is implemented. In addition, the multiple input/output drivers have been replaced with a single SDL2 driver.

The CPU emulation (M65816) is a heavy rewrite from previous versions as well, and may contain subtle emulation bugs.

More information can be found in the XGS section of my blog.


To compile this code you will need

  • CMake
  • g++ 4.8 or higher. For versions prior to 6.0 you need to compile with --std=c++11
  • The Boost libraries
  • SDL2

To build XGS, from the source directory run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

The binary will be compiled to build/xgs.


Before starting XGS for the first time you'll need to create the XGS home directory and copy some files into it.

First, from the source directory run:

mkdir ~/.xgs
cp fonts/xgs{4,8}0.fnt ~/.xgs/

You'll need an Apple IIGS ROM file (either v01 or v03 will work):

cp PATH_TO_YOUR_ROM_FILE ~/.xgs/xgs.rom

Now you can start XGS as follows (-3 is only needed if your ROM image is v03):

./build/xgs -3

You can also display the help text if you need help with the command-line options:

./build/xgs --help


Currently the emulator successfully boots to an AppleSoft prompt.

This code will be very much in flux for the next few months as I continue to debug, improve, and streamline the code base.