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Elasticsearch notes

felix mason edited this page Jun 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

In these examples, replace beta with whichever index you're interested in.

Get statistics about an index

(Look at all > indexing > index_total for the document count.)

GET    /beta/_stats 

Get count of documents

POST   /beta/_count

Get a specific doc by ID

GET    /beta/_doc/896f9132-8b1f-44cd-91f3-2423311668f2

Get all the docs. (A search with no criteria, at least. WARNING: Don't use on a real index. Postman will currently hang a large response.)

GET    /beta/_search

Return specific fields

POST    /beta/_search

    "_source": {
    	"include": [ "id", "title" ],
    	"exclude": [ "content" , "file_base64" ]

The _source property says what to return. You can either include just the fields you want, or simply exclude the big fields, as shown (it doesn't really make sense to do both).

By default the first ten hits are returned. To skip 100 hits and take the next 100 (paging):

    "size": 100,
    "from": 100

Search specific fields. Find the string "example" in the title and content fields.

    "query": {
        "multi_match" : {
            "query" : "example",
            "fields" : ["title", "content"]

Match on a single field

    "query": {
        "match" : {
            "title" : "example"
    "_source": {
    	"include": [ "id", "title" ]

Search on a date range We add a timestamp_utc field to every document. Use a range query to find all docs updated on or after a certain date:

    "query": {
        "range" : {
            "timestamp_utc" : {
                "gte" :  "2019-04-09"
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