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Marine Habitat Classification subsite


Database set up

  • Set up a local SQL server (we used SSDT for Visual Studio, for VS 2019 you'll need the "Data storage and processing" workload with the "SQL Server Integrated Services Project" extension) and create a database named biotope-db
  • Run the table creation SQL scripts found under the biotope-db project against the biotope-db database
  • Create the umbraco-cms database by restoring it from the backup found under website\App_Data\MSSQL_Backup using the below SQL

`EXEC sp_configure 'contained', 1; RECONFIGURE;

RESTORE DATABASE "umbraco-cms" FROM DISK = 'D:\workspace\marine-habitat-classification\website\App_Data\MSSQL_Backup\umbraco-cms_db_20180205.bak';`

Local configuration

  • The file microservices\microserviceConnectionStrings.config contains an entity framework connection string to your biotope-db database, e.g.

<connectionStrings> <remove name="BiotopeDB"/> <add name="BiotopeDB" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.BiotopeDB.csdl|res://*/Models.BiotopeDB.ssdl|res://*/Models.BiotopeDB.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=(localdb)\ProjectsV13;initial catalog=biotope-db;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /> </connectionStrings>

  • The file website\umbracoConnectionStrings.config contains the connection string to your umbraco-cms database, e.g.

<connectionStrings> <remove name="umbracoDbDSN" /> <add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="Server=(localdb)\ProjectsV13;Database=umbraco-cms;Integrated Security=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings>

You should make sure that your local databases are named as such. These settings and others are altered by the deployment process.

Local run

  • Right click the microservices project and set as start up project, then start it in Visual Studio (Ctrl+F5)
  • Right click the website project and set as start up project, then start it in Visual Studio (Ctrl+F5)

Local build (as on build/deployment server)

As well as Visual Studio 2017, I installed

Open the Developer Command Prompt for VS2017.

msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:RunOctoPack=true /p:OctoPackPackageVersion= /p:OctoPackPublishPackageToHttp=http://deployment-srv/nuget/packages /p:OctoPackPublishingApiKey=API-BLAH