My emacs config files. Not likely to be useful for anyone else.
- install git
- create an environment variable called
pointing to%userprofile%
choco install ripgrep fd
- run latest installer from
the msys2 version of emacs 28.1 seems to be broken. native compilation just produces errors. so probably good to not install emacs from here.
if you really want to you can run pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-emacs
good to install msys2 for the unix utils though
brew install --cask emacs
brew install ripgrep fd
git submodule update --init
- create a file called
and put this in it:
;; (setq download-packages t) ; or not if you don't want to download external things
;; ;(setq deepness-company "propellerheads") ;; for company specific settings
(setq home-el-path "~/.emacs.d/el")
(load (concat home-el-path "/config.el"))