Fischer random chess (Chess960) randomizer web app based on my fischer960 library.
To quickly get a random starting position for your games (or tournaments), just go to:
- Slick, suspenseful animation
- The ID of the starting position is shown below the board (0-indexed)
- To randomize again, hit the R key or the button in the bottom right corner
- To skip the suspenseful animation, hit the Space key or click the board
- Save to home screen to use as an app on smart phones
- It should be accessible, also for screen readers (let me know if it's not!)
Built with SvelteKit, using svelte-canvas to render the 2D chessboard. Deployed to
This was hacked together while watching Fischer Random World Championship 2022, so the code base is a little messy. I couldn't get SvelteKit to run on, so it just builds a static page for now. Otherwise it would accept URLs like PRs are welcome!
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See full license.
Chess piece images by Cburnett are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Refresh icon by Google Inc. is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.