WordPress routes made simple.
✔️ No need to write rewrite rules and tags manually
✔️ Automatically flush rewrite rules when the routes change
✔️ Custom redirects and action routes
✔️ Easily extendable with hooks
✔️ Easy to use with Sage 10
composer require joanrodas/plubo-routes
You can also install Plubo Routes as a standalone WordPress plugin, simply downloading the zip and placing it in the plugins folder.
There are different types of routes:
You can add new routes using the following filter:
add_filter( 'plubo/routes', array($this, 'add_routes') );
public function add_routes( $routes ) {
//Your routes
return $routes;
Basic routes take 3 parameters:
Parameter | Type |
Route Path | String |
Template file name | String | Callable |
Config | Array (optional) |
use PluboRoutes\Route\Route;
add_filter( 'plubo/routes', array($this, 'add_routes') );
public function add_routes( $routes ) {
$routes[] = new Route('clients/list', 'template_name');
//SAGE 10 example
$routes[] = new Route(
function($matches) {
$subpage = 'dashboard/' . $matches['subpage'];
return locate_template( app('sage.finder')->locate($subpage) );
'name' => 'my-route'
return $routes;
You can use the format {variable_name:type} with any of the available types:
- number (numbers only)
- word (a-Z only)
- slug (a valid WordPress slug)
- date (yyyy-mm-dd date)
- year (4 digits)
- month (01-12)
- day (01-31)
- digit (single digit 0-9)
- jwt (JWT token)
- ip (IPv4)
You can also use custom regex patterns using the format {variable_name:regex_pattern} like {author:([a-z0-9-]+)}
By default, Plubo Routes will search the template inside your theme, but you can use a hook to chenge the default path.
If you use Sage 10, you could add something like this:
add_filter( 'plubo/template', function($template) {
return app('sage.finder')->locate($template);
Named routes provide a hook to execute your custom actions:
add_action('plubo/route_{route_name}', function($matches) {
//Do something
Feel free to contribute to the project, suggesting improvements, reporting bugs and coding.