This is a help desk and info management system for the Tola suite of tools.
Based on the great Help Desk system Django Help Desk
Ensure the server you are running on has all the required pip packages. server_requirements.txt
Create a virtual environment on each server your app will run on and install app specific libraries in the venv
Create Virtualenv virtualenv venv (USES SERVER INSTALLED PACKAGES)
virtualenv —no-site-packages venv *use no site packages to prevent virtualenv from seeing your global packages
. venv/bin/activate *allows us to just use pip from command line by adding to the path rather then full path
Activate Virtualenv source venv/bin/activate workon venv OR (if using wrapper) mkvirtualenv venv1 workon venv
pip freeze > app_requirements.txt
- creates a app_requirements.txt file for future installs
Updating or installing on a new server pip install -r requirements.txt