SLUNCH is a slackbot that will remind you that it's lunch time, and randomly pick out recommendations based on your own list. Handy for teams that tend to loose track of time when busy coding, and have no idea where to eat when they do get hungry.
- Ruby 2+
- Rails 4+
Starts like any another Rails app:
$ git clone
$ bundle install
$ cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
you need to build your lunch list. I haven't bothered to build the UI (yet), so in the meantime just edit:
and import away:
$ rake import_data:lunch
and you're done!
Start up server
$ rails server
Go to localhost:3000/lunches
to maintain your own list.
You will of course need a slackbot and API token. I'll leave that to the Slack documentations. Once you're done with that, fill in the information in:
Don't know your channel id? We've got you covered:
$ rake slackbot:channels
The default timer is set to 12:30 from Monday to Friday. Tune it to your likings at:
Don't like the default message? Make your own!
Gotta keep the timer kicking!
$ whenever -i
We also provide Docker Image. Pull the Image first.
$ docker pull lch82327/slunch
You can send message by
$ docker run \
-e SLACK_TOKEN='...' \
-e CHANNEL_TOKEN='...' \
-t lch82327/slunch /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /slunch && RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake slackbot:lunch --silent >> /dev/null 2>&1' --rm