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A simple chat server written in Elixir as an example of Websocket usage

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This is a simple chat server built in Elixir with the goal to show a real life application of Websockets.

the sketch

Features roadmap

  • As a client I want to create a user so that I can use the chat system
  • As a user I can send a private message to an existing user to that I can talk directly without using an existing room

Run tests

$ mix deps.get
$ mix test

Run application

$ mix deps.get
$ iex -S mix

How to use the chat

The web client will be available at http://localhost:4000/chat.html

At the moment there are two users in the system. You can use two different URLs in order to get associated to them:

  • http://localhost:4000/chat.html?access_token=foo_token to enter as foo_user
  • http://localhost:4000/chat.html?access_token=bar_token to enter as bar_user




  • Rename ChatRoom, ChatRooms and Chatroom to Room (basically remove the Chat term)
  • Rename session_id or user_session_id to user_id
  • Introduce the ping/pong mechanism between client and server in order to unsubscribe and disconnect a client due inactivity
  • Find a way to document the websocket API
  • Try to split the API, the Server and the Application Logic in the UserSessions and in the ChatRooms module
    • It could be interesting to open a related thread to the ElixirForum, trying to get more feedback
  • Think if it could be useful to use Mox instead of Mock (think about the use of Behaviour)
  • find a way to distribute the Chat across different nodes, in order to use more than one nodes
    • we have to think to introduce gproc for distribute the lookup processes across different nodes
  • improve the way we make assertions on received messages (e.g. assert_receive wants pattern match and not functions or variables) in the websocket_test.exs
  • try to write some acceptance test with Wallaby, for the frontend ?
  • setup a continuous integration for the project (e.g. using TravisCI)
  • Bonus: Let's try to use Websockex for the server too, instead of using the raw cowboy_websocket
  • try to expose the chat using the IRC protocol
  • it seems that we have some flaky tests for "other clients" scenarios


  • Try to decouple the WebSocketController from the Application Domain by introducing the Use Cases:
  • Extract a use case for SubscribeToUserSession
  • Extract a use case for JoinChatRoom
  • Extract a use case for CreateChatRoom
  • Extract a use case for SendMessageToChatRoom
  • Extract a use case for ValidateAccessToken
  • Should the WebSocketClient be renamed in WebSocketController ?
  • As a client I want to be associated to a user so that other clients can see who send messages
  • Prepare the system with some initial data:
    • foo_user associated to the token foo_token
    • bar_user associated to the token bar_token
  • Maybe the AuthenticationService is a "Repository" instead. Consider to rename it
  • Provide a real implementation of the AuthenticationService
  • Extract a collaborator for the WebSocketClient that will be responsible to understand if there is an existing user_session for a given access_token
  • Update the UI in order to handle the user id
  • It seems that we have a websocket idle timeout issue. Increase the idle timeout to 10 minutes
  • Handle the connection when the provided access token is empty or not valid (no user session associated)
  • what happen when we try to connect to the chat with an invalid access token
      1. the token not exist or is not valid [DONE]
      1. no token provided [DONE]
  • Bump to version 2.4 to fix the issue of cowboy 1.0 about the cowboy_clock badarg
  • When I join a chat room as an identified user I want to read my user name in the welcome message
  • Extract the websocket chat URL in the WebSocketAcceptanceTests
  • Rename ws_client to client in the WebSocketAcceptanceTests
  • Try to remove all the setup duplication in the WebSocketAcceptanceTests
  • Review all the acceptance tests in order to align it with the User Feature
  • Use the access_token to open websocket connection from the UI
  • Try to associate a WebSocketClient to a UserSession
  • Draw the actual application architecture sketch
  • Think about to rename ExChat.Supervisor in ExChat.Application
  • Rename ExChat.Init to ExChat.Setup
  • Put the user-session-id as a state of WebSocketClient
  • Find a better name for the websocket tests
  • Rename ExChat.Web.WebSocket to ExChat.Web.Router
  • Rename ChatRoomsWebSocketHandler to WebSocketClient
  • ChatRooms.send should use the user-session-id
  • The module ChatRooms should be reorganized like the UserSessions
  • As a ChatRoom I can notify of new messages to all the subscribed UserSessions
  • rename the UserSessions.send to UserSessions.notify
  • think to rename clients to session_ids in the ChatRoom process
  • Rename ExChat.Registry in ExChat.ChatRoomRegistry
  • rename user_session_id to session_id
  • Maybe the UserSessions and UserSessionSupervisor could be merged in a single module named UserSessions
  • Fix the names used for the user sessions in the UserSessionsTest
  • Try to find a way to remove the shared state (the UserSessionRegistry) from the UserSessions Tests
  • do not start the application when run all the tests
  • remove the UserSession.exists? function in favor of the UserSession.find function
  • Refactor the UserSessions module in order to achieve the obvious implementation with Supervisors, UserSession Processes, etc, ...
  • Start writing test from the point of view of the Client who tries to subscribe to UserSessions
  • ExChat.ChatRooms could be a "simple" module and not a process
  • remove the empty file ex_chat_test.exs
  • Issue during run the tests: It seems that Elixir.ExChat.Supervisor is already started
  • handle invalid command
  • handle invalid client messages
  • rename subscribers to clients in ChatRoom
  • bug: avoid that a client can join twice to a room
  • add a Supervisor to supervise all the ChatRoom processes
  • use a registry to name all the ChatRoom processes
  • think to rename the websocket endpoint (ws://localhost:4000/room), maybe /chat or others
  • handle the welcome message in the ChatRoom itself and not in the chatroom_websocket_handler
  • handle the case when we try to send a message to an unexisting chat room
  • update the roadmap features in the readme
  • maybe ExChat.Web.Router is not a good name for the web sockets delivery mechanism (maybe Web.WebSocket)
  • rename chatroom_websocket_handler.ex to chat_rooms_websocket_handler.ex
  • think to separate the two actions create chatroom and join chatroom (at the moment the chatroom creation happens when a client try to join an unexisting chatroom, look at the ChatRooms.create_and_join_chatroom/3 function)
  • update the UI so that it can support the create command
  • Handle multiple chat rooms
  • adapt the UI to handle the room name
  • handle the chat room creation when client wants to join to an unexisting chat room
  • rename subscriber to client in ChatRooms
  • change the format of the response for other tests (add the room name)
  • Rename web.http to web.router
  • Remove the /echo endpoint just because it is no longer needed
  • Allow web clients to receive messages
  • Allow web clients to write and send messages
    • We have to create a better web UI to allows user to write and send messages
  • Replace the plug-web-socket with the default cowboy_websocket_handler
  • Allow web clients to join a chatroom
  • How to test the websocket endpoint in Elixir
  • Put how to run tests and how to start application in the
  • Start the application
  • Rename the test folder exchat to ex_chat
  • As a client I can subscribe to a chat room so that I can receive all the messages sent


A simple chat server written in Elixir as an example of Websocket usage







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