A software implementation of how an OS might schedule processes on a CPU given a file of "processes" designed for a class project. The simulator is programmed to simulate any one of four scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SRTF, RR, and PP), and output the results to a specified file.
The program will obviously need to be compiled and ran using some sort When running the program, execute it with the arguments in the following general form:
./a.out inputFileName outputFileName AlgorithmNumber timeQuantum(if applicable)
An example on Linux using the provided input/output files:
./a.out sample_input.txt sample_outputSRTF.txt 1
./a.out sample_input.txt sample_outputRR4.txt 2 4
Each line in the input file must be of the form:
ProcessID ArrivalTime BurstTime Priority
Any valid filename will suffice for outputFileName. Numbers in output are considered to be ms and context switches account for 0.5ms
An example input and output file is provided
0 - FCFS, First Come First Serve 1 - SRTF, Shortest Remaining Time First (preemptive) 2 - RR, Round Robin (must enter time quantum to execute) 3 - PP, Preemptive Priority (uses provided priorities in input file)
How long each process runs on the CPU (minimum = .5)
Program can be compile and ran with specified arguments using most IDEs that support C++. Implementation will depend on platform.
- CLion - IDE Used
- Joseph Dodson - Sole contributor - joedodson