Important: As of 0.5.0 Node JS v0.10 is no longer supported. Please use Node v0.12 or IOJS instead.
npm install -g ember-cli-migrator
Migrate your files to the standard ember-cli structure, preserving git history.
You can run the command line tool by running the ember-cli-migrator script from within your existing ember project.
The goal of the project is to convert global variables to ES6 Modules. For example:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend({
import DS from "ember-data";
var Post = DS.Model.extend({
export default Post;
- The following known module types are currently handled:
- Components
- Controllers
- Routes
- Views
- Models
- Mixins
- Transforms
- Adapters
- Serializers
- Services
- Converts file names for you and puts them into the canonical ember CLI folders.
- Multiple modules in your current file will be split into their own export module and potentially into different folders. For example if you had a model and serializer defined in the same file, the migrator would split the serializer into a file in the serializers folder and the model module would exist in the models folder.
- Unknown types, e.g., a utility function defined on your app namespace, is exported in a module that is left in the location it was found.
- Non JS files, e.g., handlebars, erb, are moved to a nonJS folder with the same subdirectory hierarchy so they are easy for you to isolate and handle manually.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-g, --global [name] Global namespace of Ember application, eg: "MyApplication = Ember.Application.."
-a, --ember-cli-app-name [name], Name of application namespace/modulePrefix. This is the name of the app you would pass to `ember new <ember-cli-app-name>`
-s, --source [source_directory] Directory to perform migration on
-t, --target [target_directory] Directory to output result of migration
To convert an Ember App Kit-like project and put it back in the same parent directory, you can use the following
ember-cli-migrator -g App -t . -s . -a appkit
You can run the tests by running npm test
in the root folder.
You can run bin/ember-cli-migrator
from the root of this project and use the command line arguments above.
The project uses recast (which uses Esprima) to walk the JavaScript AST to accurately identify exports and move the file.
- App.Router = Ember.Router.extend(); placed at beginning of router file
- import ./config/environment in router
- move injectors & registers to initializers rather than on App
- have to merge app.js code, imports etc.
- move ENV stuff to config/environments.js
- var ObjectTransform = var ArrayTransform = Ember.Transform.extend
- helpers
- Smarter Router migrations
- Handleabars