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An exxample on how to write a simple OpenCL program that creates a Mandelbrot image.

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An example of how to use OpenCL.

In order to learn some OpenCL programming I got hold of a AMD GPU, W7100, and started to experiment with what should be the first thing anyone should do: creating a mandelbrot image :-)

A short description of the code

The C program is in one large file and most is done in the main() procedure. Not the most elegant solution but it makes it easy to follow the code; C code in one file and OpenCL code in another.

The C program will load and build the OpenCL program in This is the so called kernel program and is the thing that will run on the GPU. If you take a quick look at it you will see one procedure render() that calculates a depth of coordinate and colors a pixel with a rgb-value. The C program will do all the boiler plate to set up the computation and make sure that a kernel computation is scheduled for each pixel in the image.

Let's go through the main() procedure from top to bottom (excluding things that you will figure out why they are there if you know some C.

create a context

The first thing we need to do is to create a context, we have delegated this to a procedure since this a probably something that we later want to reuse.

  create_opencl_context(PLATFORM, DEVICE, &context, &device);

What we need to know is what PLATFORM and which DEVICE on the platform that we want to create the connect on. If you (as me) only have one GPU this simply means platform 0 and device 0 so we have them declared in the program. It could be that your CPU also shows up as a device and depending on you configuration it could be part of a larger platform with the GPU or treated as a separate platform.

We also provide a reference to our context and device structures that will be populated with the appropriate information; more on this later. If we succeed we should now have a context and device prepared for us.

create a queue

The next thing we do is to create a queue, cmd_queue. that we need in order to schedule our kernels. We create a default queue, 0, that will schedule kernels in FIFO order, have a default size etc.

  cmd_queue = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(context, device, 0, &err);

create a buffer

Next we allocate a buffer in the device, this is the buffer where the Mandelbrot image will be generated. Note that we call it the global_buffer but this area is only global to the context and it is allocated on the device i.e. not in our main memory. We provide the size of the buffer that is widthheight3 since we will produce a rgb image.

  global_buffer = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, image_size, NULL, &err);

The kernels, the programs that will execute on the GPU, will only write to the buffer and we do not have a buffer in main memory from where we want to initialize the content (NULL).

build a kernel program

The strange thing when you're new to OpenCL programming is that the OpenCL program is normally compiled and loaded from source when you run your program. This is more practical since the compilation will depend on the particular device that you want to use. If we had several devices we would need to keep track of which binary to use for which device (it is possible to do offline compilation).

  create_opencl_program(context, PROGRAM, &program);

We will later take a look at the steps needed to do the compilation but for now let's assume that we have compiled kernel program.

create a kernel

Time to create the kernel. It consists of the compiled program and the name of the procedure that we wan to call.

  kernel = clCreateKernel(program, PROCEDURE, &err);

We're almost there, but first we have to provide the arguments to the kernel program. We provide a pointer to the global_buffer (that is on the device), the depth, upper left corner, x0 and y0, and the increment per pixel.

  clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &global_buffer);
  clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(int), &depth);
  clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(double), &x0);
  clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(double), &y0);
  clSetKernelArg(kernel, 4, sizeof(double), &incr);      

Note that there is no argument here that will tell the kernel program which pixel it should work on. All instances of this kernel are given the same arguments.

schedule the kernels

We are now ready to actually launch our program and we will do so by add the kernel to the queue that we created before. An entry in the queue is a description of what we want to do. We provide the queue and the kernel (that must both be created with the same device in mind) and the dimension of the computation 2. We also provide the total size of this 2D space {width, height} and this how the system knows how many kernels it should spawn.

  size_t device_work_size[2] = {width, height};

  clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cmd_queue, kernel, 2, NULL, device_work_size, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);

We will later see that the kernel program can figure out which kernel it is in the 2D space. When, for example, it knows that it is responsible for pixel 230x150 it can determine the depth at this point and then write the right color codes in the buffer.

The computation is asynchronous so all we know is that it has been queued for execution. Instead of waiting for it to complete we can now queue the next job.

reading the buffer

When all kernels have executed the mandelbrot image will be in the buffer on the device. We of course want it on a file so we need to read this buffer to our main memory. We do not have direct access to the buffer but can en-queue a task that will copy the image buffer to a host buffer that we have prepared in main memory. Once we have the image in memory we can write it to a file.

  char *host_buffer = malloc(image_size);

The interesting thing is the pointer to the buffer area, since this is what we need when we en-queue our read command. The CL_TRUE flag specifies that we want the command to be blocking i.e. we will not proceed unless the command has finished.

  clEnqueueReadBuffer(cmd_queue, global_buffer, CL_TRUE, 0, image_size, host_buffer, 0, NULL, NULL);

write the file

We should now have the image in our host_buffer which is of course the memory map of our file. The only thing we need to do now is to create the file and close it

  save_to_file(x0, y0, incr, width, height, depth, host_buffer);


The only thing left is to clean up (and I guess that this will done anyway since we terminate the process but it looks professional).


The OpenCL-C code

The code described so far is only the boiler plate code that is needed on the host side to create the computation. The actual computation of the Mandelbrot set is done in a kernel process and is described in The program is written in OpenCL-C which is a more well defined, and a bit limited, version of C. We don't have to go through the whole program but the interesting part is in how the kernel program knows its position in the computation.

__kernel void render(__global char *out, int max, double x0, double y0, double k) {

The __kernel directive specifies that this procedure can be an entry point to the program. We never return anything so our procedure is declared as void. The arguments to render() are the arguments that we provided when we constructed the kernel but there is noting there that tells us which pixel we are responsible for.

The magic is in the three rows that follows: we read the x and y position using the function call get_global_id(). Since this is a 2D computation we should have two values there. We also read the total size of the width dimension since we need this to find the right position in the global_buffer.

      int x = get_global_id(0);
      int y = get_global_id(1);
      size_t width = get_global_size(0);

The rest of the code in is (almost) plain C and there is no magic there.

The things we left out

OK, we left some parts out so let's have a quick look at them.

create the context

In order to create a context we first have to find the platform that we should use and then find the right device. If we have several platforms or more than one device on a platform, and want to choose the best device this could be tricky. In our case it's quite straight forward and is done in a sequence of queries.

First we find all platforms of our host:

  clGetPlatformIDs(MAX_PLATFORMS, &platform_id, &num_platforms);

Then we find the devices on the platform of our choice (the only one):

  clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id[pl], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT, MAX_DEVICES, &device_id, &num_devices);

In the end we create the context on the device we have chosen:

  *device = device_id[dev];

  *context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, device, NULL, NULL, &err);

building the program

The only tricky thing with the building of the program is that we first have to read the file and place it in a source memory buffer. We can provide an array of program sources and there are some options on how these are stored but in our case it's straight forward.

  *program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char**)&source, NULL, &err);

Once we have a program we can do the compilation of the program. There are number of parameters here, we could for example provide compiler directives, but in our case we can do with the default.

  clBuildProgram(*program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

the image file

The image file is ppm file, the Unix equivalent of a .bmp file. It has a short header that describes the content and then it is simply three bytes per pixel i.e. the rgb-values. We include a comment with the information about how the image was rendered.


An exxample on how to write a simple OpenCL program that creates a Mandelbrot image.






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