A very-easy-to-use tag input field, that supports scrolling when the contents expand the input field. It allows the user to insert arbitrary tags. Typeahead is not yet supported, but will be added in the future.
meteor add stricker:tag-input
Simply insert the tagInput template to use it with default settings.
{{> tagInput}}
The inserted tags can be obtained from the value field of the hidden input.
let value = $('#tag-input').val(); // ['TAG1', 'TAG2', ..]
You can specify settings by passing an object to the template's data context. Below are the default settings.
settings: function() {
return {
id: 'tag-input', // the id of the input field that contains the value
name: 'tag-input', // the name of the input field that contains the value
placeholder: 'Enter a tag...', // a placeholder text
tags: [], // preset list of tags e.g. ['TAG1', 'TAG2']
tagTemplate: 'defaultTag', // a custom tag Template, expects the tag name as it's data context
suggestions: [], // pass an array or a callback function(input, callback)
strict: false, // in strict mode, only insertion of suggested tags is allowed
allowDuplicates: false // allow multiple insertions of the same tag
<template name="form">
{{> tagInput settings}}
<input type="submit" value="Submit">