This is a simple neovim plugin to highlight and remove trailing whitespace.
-- Using packer.nvim
use {
config = function ()
-- configuration options and their defaults
-- `highlight` configures which highlight is used to display
-- trailing whitespace
highlight = 'DiffDelete',
-- `ignored_filetypes` configures which filetypes to ignore when
-- displaying trailing whitespace
ignored_filetypes = { 'TelescopePrompt', 'Trouble', 'help', 'dashboard' },
-- `ignore_terminal` configures whether to ignore terminal buffers
ignore_terminal = true,
-- `return_cursor` configures if cursor should return to previous
-- position after trimming whitespace
return_cursor = true,
-- remove trailing whitespace with a keybinding
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>t', require('whitespace-nvim').trim)