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Wild Magic Surge 5e

This module provide various bits of functionality to help automate the Wild Magic Surge feat within the dnd5e game system.


Quick start youtube videos

Quickstart guide to setting up Wild Magic Surge 5e on YouTube

Quickstart guide to setting up Wild Magic Surge 5e on YouTube

Advanced feature overview of Wild Magic Surge 5e on YouTube

Watch the overview and how to guide of Wild Magic Surge 5e on YouTube

Setup Guides

Below is a list of links to help you setup the module and your Player Characters.

Top Level Features

  • Default: On a roll of 1, trigger a Wild Magic Surge (Default and can be configured in the Dice Formula options)
  • Incremental Check: Every time a spell is cast, the threshold is increased by 1 for a Surge. Once triggered the threshold is reset back to 1.
  • Incremental Check (Chaotic): For the amazingly awesome chaotic players and GMs. Instead of increasing every time a spell is cast, at the start of every turn in combat, the threshold is increased by 1 for a Surge to a maximum of 10. Once triggered the threshold is reset back to 1.
  • Spell Level Dependent Rolls: Wild Magic Surge triggers dependent on spell level. Click here for more option details.
  • Descending Dice: On no Surge roll d20, d12, d10, d8, d6 then d4 until a surge, then reset back to d20.
  • Barbarian - Path of Wild Magic - Tasha's Cauldron of Everything: When you enter a Rage as a Wild Magic Barbarian, the module will auto roll on a table. For setup instructions see the documentation here.

Additional Features

  • Prompt to roll on a 1st level or higher spell slot used with the Wild Magic Surge feat
    • Optionally Surge Check on Cantrips, not just 1st Level or higher
  • Whisper results to GM
  • Auto roll for Wild Magic Surge
  • Auto roll Custom Roll Table for effect
  • Tides of Chaos auto recharge
  • Custom dice roll check for surge
    • default is 1d20 and a roll of 1
    • Can also set multiple target results using a comma seperated value list
  • Ability to set your own roll evaluation dependent on the spell level used
  • Hooks for custom macros and other modules to use
  • Track incremental wild magic surge count on token
  • Optionally track NPCs Wild Magic Surges
  • Dice So Nice integration if the module is enabled
  • Discern between sorcerer spells and other spells when multiclassing
  • Auto surge when Tides of Chaos is used
  • Auto play animation effect on a Wild Magic Surge
  • Execute a Macro on a Wild Magic Surge
    • Includes a set of example macros on how you can use this feature. Can be found in the compendium.
  • Optionally send Wild Magic Surge event to Encounter Statistics Module to track history of surges in your campaign.


Wild Magic Surge Mode

Choose between the following options to track your Wild Magic Surges

  • Default: On a roll of 1, trigger a Wild Magic Surge (Default and can be configured in the Dice Formula options)
  • Incremental Check: Every time a spell is cast, the threshold is increased by 1 for a Surge. Once triggered the threshold is reset back to 1.
  • Incremental Check (Chaotic): For the amazingly awesome chaotic players and GMs. Instead of increasing every time a spell is cast, at the start of every turn in combat, the threshold is increased by 1 for a Surge to a maximum of 10. Once triggered the threshold is reset back to 1.
  • Spell Level Dependent Rolls: Wild Magic Surge triggers dependent on spell level. Click here for more option details.

Surge Mode Options

Whisper chat results to GM

Whisper all message to the GM in case you want to be nice and fudge the rolls.

Whisper chat results to GM

Auto Roll a check for Wild Magic Surge instead of just a reminder to roll

The additional option Auto Roll for a Wild Magic Surge instead of just the prompt will auto roll in the background for you and post the result in the Chat.

Based on your settings, it will show a prompt that a Wild Magic Surge has occured or not.

This message is configurable should you wish.

Auto Roll a check for Wild Magic Surge instead of just a reminder to roll

Automate Wild Magic Surge Message

Send Incremental Check charge to chat

When enabled, each time a incremental check for a surge changes it is posted to Chat for others to see.

Send Incremental Check charge to chat

Enable Auto Roll on a Wild Magic Surge Table

Choose how to auto roll on a Wild Magic Surge Table.

  1. None - This won't do any auto rolling on a table
  2. Auto Roll Table - This will automatically roll for the player and display the roll table results
  3. Player Trigger Roll - Will prompt in the Wild Magic Surge message for the Player to click a button to roll on the table and display the results.

You can configure a Custom Roll Table by replacing the default name in the settings with your own version.

Enable Auto Roll on a Wild Magic Surge Table Enable Auto Roll on a Wild Magic Surge Table Roll on table option

Execute a GM Macro on a Wild Magic Surge

When a surge happens you can specify your own macro to run. Note this will only trigger a macro setup on the GM user.

Included is a compendium containing examples and the javascript for them are in /scripts/macros.

Execute a GM Macro on a Wild Magic Surge

Trigger a Wild Magic Surge from your own Macro

If you want to trigger a Wild Magic Surge from your own Macro, you can call the built in hook wild-magic-surge-5e.manualTriggerWMS and pass the actor with it.

This feature will allow you to customise to your own preferences, what triggers the Wild Magic Surge.

Example macro code

  • Select the token on the canvas you want to run the Wild Magic Surge for
  • Click your macro with the token still selected
  • The module will trigger a Wild Magic Surge on that actor if a roll on 1d20 is less than 3
// Create new roll object
let roll = new Roll("1d20");

// Roll the dice
await roll.evaluate({async: false});

// If total is less than 3 (i.e. less than 10%)
if ( < 3) {
  // Trigger a wild magic surge passing the selected actor and roll
  Hooks.callAll(`wild-magic-surge-5e.manualTriggerWMS`, actor, roll);

Doing this will automatically trigger the Wild Magic Surge logic you have set up.

Tides of Chaos Recharge

Another option allows you to recharge Tides of Chaos automatically on a Wild Magic Surge.

Tides of Chaos Recharge

Dice Formula

Set a custom dice formula you want to roll to check for a Wild Magic Surge. The default is 1d20.

Dice Formula

Track Wild Magic Surge for NPCs

Enabling this setting will automate Wild Magic Surge for Non Player Characters as well as Player Characters. Ensure the NPC has the Wilg Magic Surge feat.

Dice Formula

The target result of the dice roll

What is the dice roll result you want to check against. The default is 1.

Can also set multiple target results using a comma seperated value list like 1, 3, 5, 10, 19

The target result of the dice roll

Roll result boolean expression

Based on the target dice roll, should the result be less/greater than or equal to the result to trigger the Wild Magic Surge. The default is =.

Roll result boolean expression

Auto surge on spell use after Tides of Chaos has been used

When Tides of Chaos is used, any 1st level spell and higher will trigger a surge and restore your Tides of Chaos.

Auto surge on spell use after Tides of Chaos has been used

Include/Exclude Spell Filter

Add a RegEx rule to exclude or include specific spells that should trigger a Wild Magic Surge.

For example if you multiclass you can use this to differentiate between sorcerer spells and non sorcerer spells.

Adding a regex rule of \(S\) assumes only spells appended with (S) like Magic Missile (S) will trigger a Wild Magic Surge check.

If you want to reverse this logic you can choose to tick the Reverse Regex Filter option. This is for spells that you don't want to trigger a Wild Magic Surge that are cast from the sorcerer.

Special thanks to Jakob Huber for this suggestion and Pull Request.

Spell Regex for Multiclass spells

Play animation on Surge

On a Wild Magic Surge, the token that triggered the Surge will get an animation play. This requires the awesome Sequencer and JB2A modules to be installed and active.

Play animation on Surge

Roll for surge on Cantrips

Standard rules are 1st Level and higher to trigger a surge. This also enables it for Cantrips.

Roll for surge on Cantrips

Encounter Statistics Module Integration

Optionally send Wild Magic Surge event to Encounter Statistics Module to track history of surges in your campaign.

Encounter Statistics Module Integration option

Example output

Encounter Statistics Module Example output


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Wild Magic Surge 5e is released under the MIT License.


For issues, please raise a bug in Github giving as much detail as you can. I will try and fix things depending on fatherhood responsibilities

You can also find me lurking around on the Foundry VTT Discord My Discord Tag is JB#2780.