Hardhat-based template for developing Solidity smart contract.
- Hardhat: compile and run smart contract
- Typechain: generate Typescript bindings for smart contract
- Ethers: Ethereum library and wallet
git clone
or fork this project
Before run any command, you need to create a .env
file and set private key, Report gas function, infura api key and block explorer key. You can copy example in .env.example
can generate by https://app.infura.io/
can support all network in support list, but if you want to use polygon-mumbai or other layer 2 network. You will need to add your payment info in https://app.infura.io/
If you want to verify your contract on etherscan, you need to add the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
can generate in https://etherscan.io/ , you need to click your avatar and click API Keys
to generate one.
Note: Different network have different block explorer, you need to create different account in different network.
Here is where you can get api_key
: https://etherscan.io/myapikey
: https://polygonscan.com/myapikey
: https://bscscan.com/myapikey
: https://snowtrace.io/myapikey
: https://arbiscan.io/myapikey
: https://optimistic.etherscan.io/myapikey
is a flag to make your hardhat-gas-report plugin work or not
npm i
You can use mostly all hardhat-toolbox function in this template
Start a network for development
npm run node
Compile is a function use hardhat to compile solidity file to bytecode, but this action not deploy the contract into network yet
npm run compile
Hardhat can use ethers to check input and return right or not.
npm run test
And in this template we have gas reporter, so you can only check the gas waste with
npm run test:gas
Because default network is hardhat local network
, so this action did not spend your wallet’s ETH
npm run deploy
And if you want to deploy to different network
npm run deploy -- --network goerli
Now we support these network
const chainIds = {
ganache: 1337,
goerli: 5,
hardhat: 31337,
mainnet: 1,
avalanche: 43114,
bsc: 56,
'arbitrum-mainnet': 42161,
'polygon-mainnet': 137,
'optimism-goerli': 420,
'optimism-mainnet': 10,
'polygon-mumbai': 80001,
You just need to change the last argument with the network you want
npm run deploy -- --network polygon-mumbai
If you want to upload your code into the public network, you can use this function, and you can change the last network argument if you want.
npm run verify -- --network goerli
This verify action need to have API key like ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
in .env
You can clean all compile solidity file with
npm run clean
npm run compile
If you use vscode, you can use this plugin