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MongoDB Atlas Global Clusters Try

John Zheng edited this page Jan 6, 2021 · 8 revisions

MongoDB enable Global Cluster from 2018, and support 18 regions in AWS now.

  • It support write-write for different regions, and sync data with low latency.
  • It support data residency for regulatory requirements (like GRPC).

I would like to try and see whether it real works.

Create Global Cluster in mongoDB Atlas

I create a cluster in 3 regions: Virginia/Frankfurt/Singapore

clusterworldwide-shard-0 -- Zone 1 -- 3 Nodes in Virginia,US <Primary> 

clusterworldwide-shard-1 -- Zone 2 -- 3 Nodes in Frankfurt, German <Primary> 

clusterworldwide-shard-2 -- Zone 3 -- 3 Nodes in Singapore <Primary> 

Try 1: Test Data without location

I connect three different cluster (region) with three different console:

Connect to US Shard, insert a document.

ubuntu@ip-10-200-224-19:~$ mongo "mongodb://" --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin  --username  dev-test --password 
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> use test;
switched to db test
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try1.insert({"k1":"v1"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

Connect to German Shard, can query this document out

ubuntu@ip-10-200-224-19:~$ mongo "mongodb://" --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin  --username  dev-test --password 
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> use test;
switched to db test
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try1.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e032d2e3892bae579e0056c"), "k1" : "v1" }

Connect to Singapore shard, can query this document out

ubuntu@ip-10-200-224-19:~$ mongo "mongodb://" --ssl --authenticationDatabase admin  --username  dev-test --password 
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> use test;
switched to db test
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try1.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e032d2e3892bae579e0056c"), "k1" : "v1" }

I test more, no matter which console I insert, it can be queryed out in other shard(console) very sooner.

Try 2: Test Data with location

I create another collection "try2", then enable "Global Writes" for "try2".

Per design,

  • If I create document with {"location":"US"}, the data should be saved in US shard only.
  • If I create document with {"location":"GE"}, the data should be saved in German shard only.
  • If I create document with {"location":"SG"}, the data should be saved in Singapore shard only.
  • If I create document with location like GB (England), it will find the nearest shard (German), the data should be saved in German shard only.

Create two record with location DE GB, data saved in German shard only.

MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try2.insert({"location" : "DE", "pid" : "000001", "k1":"v1"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try2.insert({"location" : "GK", "pid" : "000001", "k1":"v1"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try2.getShardDistribution()
Shard clusterworldwide-shard-2 at clusterworldwide-shard-2/,,
 data : 0B docs : 0 chunks : 236   #Singapore

Shard clusterworldwide-shard-1 at clusterworldwide-shard-1/,,
 data : 132B **docs : 2** chunks : 258  #German

Shard clusterworldwide-shard-0 at clusterworldwide-shard-0/,,
 data : 0B docs : 0 chunks : 151  #US

 data : 132B docs : 2 chunks : 645

Create one record with location Singpore, now this data saved in Singpore shard only.

MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try2.insert({"location" : "SG", "pid" : "000003", "k3":"v3"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
MongoDB Enterprise mongos> db.try2.getShardDistribution()
Shard clusterworldwide-shard-1 at clusterworldwide-shard-1/,,
 data : 132B docs : 2 chunks : 258  #German

Shard clusterworldwide-shard-0 at clusterworldwide-shard-0/,,
 data : 0B docs : 0 chunks : 151  #US

Shard clusterworldwide-shard-2 at clusterworldwide-shard-2/,,
 data : 66B docs : 1 chunks : 236  #Singpore

 data : 198B docs : 3 chunks : 645

I test more with US and other location, it also works just as design.

Welcome Suggestions

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong, thanks.


AWS aurora(SQL DB) and dynamicdb (NoSQL DB) also support global clusters well now.