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Add Material Components elevation classes to your Tailwind CSS project. Check out the demo!


To install the package, run

npm install tailwindcss-elevation

To activate the plugin, add a tailwind.config.js file to the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [

To learn more about configuring your Tailwind CSS installation, see


To change the default configurations, you can include an options object:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        color: '77,192,181',
        opacityBoost: '0.23'

Options accept the following properties:

  • color changes the default box-shadow base color and accepts an RGB (e.g. '77,192,181') or HEX triplet (e.g. '#4dc0b5') as its value. When using a CSS custom property (variable) as the value, you have to use an RGB triplet.
  • opacityBoost is added to the default box-shadow opacity and accepts a number between 0.0 and 1.0

Basic usage

You can apply elevation to an element using the .elevation-{z-value} utilities.

<button class="elevation-2">Button</button>

The z values range from 0 to 24.


You can find the changelog of the tailwindcss-elevation package here.

Material documentation