A simple webapp to split the fuel cost with friends
Progressive Web App to split the trip fuel costs with friends by getting the distance between places automatically with Google Maps. Add the fuel price, vehicle consumption and the number of people to split the trip cost, then get how much each one should pay
- Created using create-react-app.
- Front-end components using Bootstrap.
- Uses Places and Autocomplete for Addresses and Search Terms libraries from Google Maps JavaScript API.
- Google Analytics supported.
- i18n (pt-br and en-us).
- Share the output via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
- To obtain an API Key go to Google Maps JavaScript API and click in the GET A KEY button.
npm install
REACT_APP_API_KEY=<google_api_key> npm start
REACT_APP_API_KEY=<google_api_key> REACT_APP_ANALYTICS_ID=<code> PUBLIC_URL=<url> npm run build