It is used to know how much estimated time is left to finish a task.
Works like a progress bar too.
go get
timeleft := gotimeleft.Init(100) // Total 100, value 0
timeleft.Reset(200) // Reset to total 200, value 0
timeleft.Step(10) // value +10
timeleft.Value(50) // value 50
timeleft.GetProgressValues() // => 55/100 string
timeleft.GetProgress(2) // => 55.33% string with 2 decimals
timeleft.GetProgressBar(30) // [==============>...............] string with 30 chars
timeleft.GetFloat64() // => 0.55 float64
timeleft.GetPerSecond() // => 5.55 float64 per second
timeleft.GetTimeLeft() // => 0.5ms time.Duration
timeleft.GetTimeSpent() // => 2s time.Duration