interactive client to proxy to a pod in kubernetes cluster It will take first available port after 8080 on localhost and then open the browser.
go get -u
kubepf -h
Usage of kubepf:
-pod string
Specify pod filter
kubepf -pod traefik
0 - traefik-ingress-controller-9lxzc kube-system
1 - traefik-ingress-controller-bjfap kube-system
2 - traefik-ingress-controller-dsxtw kube-system
3 - traefik-ingress-controller-lkyja kube-system
Select pod number and press enter: 0
Chosen pod: traefik-ingress-controller-9lxzc
0 - 80
1 - 8081
Select port in the pod: 1
Chosen port: 8081
TCP Port "8080" is availableStarting kubectl port-forward...
kubectl port-forward traefik-ingress-controller-9lxzc 8080:8081 --namespace kube-system
Forwarding from -> 8081