gptbot is a Line group chat assistant robot, powered by chatgpt with powerful AI.
go install
- The robot can send private message or join chat groups.
- In groups, it can identify messages from different people.
- You can assign different roles to the robot.
- It supports displaying simple images.
To interact with AI in a chat group, must begin your message with '@ai'.
Talk to AI in a chat group
Clear chat session
Switch role
/cosplay <role>
/扮演 <role>
Display all available roles
The configuration file must be named gptbot.yaml
and located next to the executable.
ChatGptAccessToken: xxxxxxxxxx
ChatGptModel: gpt-3.5-turbo
ServePort: 8888
DefaultRole: 聊天機器人
LineChannelToken: xxxxxxxxx
LineChannelSecret: xxxxxxxxxx
To retrieve environment variables, use the following format:
Add more custom roles
Role 1: Role Prompt
Role 2: Role Prompt
Using an unofficial OpenAI API-compatible service.
ChatGptApiUrl: http://your_service_url
# default is
Chinese document generated by codesum.