This is a proof of concept project. The main goal is do some research in order to allow zooming further than limits of double-precision in the Fractal generation software Gnofract 4D. More details about the feature on:
Specific goals for this proof of concept are:
- Implement and generate documentation for some techniques used by the software like period checking.
- Performance analysis.
- Try different approaches when arbitrary precision is not needed. How to support both at the same time.
- Test some different C arbitrary precision libraries.
Install dependencies:
Install app from source dir (after installing dependencies):
IMPORTANT!: installation is only tested for this Ubuntu version:
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
./mandelbrot --help
You will see the list of options and arguments. And, for example, if you want to generate the full Mandelbrot Set in PPM format with color map "black on white":
./mandelbrot -prfy -- -2.0 -2.0 2.0 2.0 256 256 0 0
It generates a file in output
folder with this name: mandelbrot-black-on-white-256x256.ppm
Generate samples:
This command generates one sample file in output
folder for each color and ascii map available.
See more command samples in here.
- Docker version 18.09.7
All commands use docker under the hood.
Execute tests:
Compile and run:
./bin/compile && ./bin/dev-run