A minimal athlete dashboard app built in Shiny that enables coaches to send notes directly to an athletes's phone from within the dashboard.
This shiny app uses the package {pushover} to let users send notifications to an athlete's mobile phone directly from the R shiny dashboard. Steps I followed build the app:
- Register an account on pushover (it offers a free trial)
- Create a pushover app
- Both, the user key and pushover app keys provided during the registration process will be needed for the shiny app.
**For step-by-step intructions on how to create a pushover account (and a pushover app) check this this tutorial
Alternatively, you can choose other notification services such as slack, pushbullet, etc.. depending on your organization's requirements.
Download your data and format your dashboard. I did that here. I re-used a table dashboard I had previously created here.
Next I added a column with action buttons. On this code, towards the end I added a mutate statement that contains this part of the code. The important thing here is, no matter whether you have a table with 5 or 500 rows, each button has a unique id. This means you only need to create one modal and one observeEvent later in the app, instead of having to create one for each different row/button.
Finally, design your app UI and Server. My code example is here
The raw data and images for this example were downloaded using the NBAstatR package.