This version fixes possible security vulnerabilities existing in previously version.
How to use
You may use the software either as Maven artifact or from the command line.
To run the program from the command line use the JGutenbergDownload-2.1.2-shaded.jar package with any of the options available:
For example:
java -jar JGutenbergDownload-2.1.2-shaded.jar -l en -s mybooks -m 20
These are the options you can use as arguments:
-f xxx (xxx type of files to download, default: txt)
-l xx (xx language of books to download, default: es)
-s xxx (xxx download path on local machine, default: program folder)
-d xxx (xxx delay between downloads in milliseconds, default 2000)
-m xx (xx max number of downloads (default 10, 0 for download all)
-o ( overwrite existing files, default: false)
-z ( don't unzip downloads, default: true)
(only -h to show options list)");
Review javadoc and source code for more information.