The AtApiWrapper is a android library that is a wrapper around the Auckland Transport public api.
Retrofit is used under the hood to perform all requests, which in turn uses OkHttp.
I reccommend having a read through the Retrofit docs.
##Available endpoints
- Realtime
- Display (Parking Locations, Scheduled Works)
##How to use
You must first have an api key. You can get one from here.
//construct api object with our api key
AtApi api = new AtApi(apiKey);
//get the realtime service
RealtimeService realtimeService = api.getRealtimeService();
//get vehicle locations synchronously
return realtimeService.vehiclelocations();
//construct api object with our api key
AtApi api = new AtApi(apiKey);
//get the realtime service
RealtimeService realtimeService = api.getRealtimeService();
//get vehicle locations asynchronously, by passing in an retrofit Callback object
###Running the sample app
The sample app is simple a practical example of how to query the api. It would be better just to look through the code, but if you do want to run the app, you will need to add your api key to the VehicleLocationListFragment.
###How to include in your project
###1. As a jar Get the jar from the downloads page