Advertisement parsing utility for cordova-plugin-ble-central.
This module aims to unify core GATT advertising attributes under a single interface, so that we can spend less time parsing mundane Bluetooth GATT / ATT profile specifics and more time making bluetooth apps.
install from npm via:
npm install -P -E ble-central-advertisements
import { AdvertisementDecoder } from 'ble-central-advertisements';
const decoder = new AdvertisementDecoder();
const services = [];
const seconds = 30;
function success(advertisement) {
let parsed = decoder.decode(advertisement);
// or if you want to leave the advertisement un-mutated
// let parsed = decoder.decode(advertisement, {});
function failure(error) {
ble.scan(services, seconds, success, failure);
NOTE: While this module was primarily built to deal with advertising data from the ble-central plugin, it is designed to be general purpose, and can parse raw BLE advertising data provided from any module / plugin (not just from the ble-central plugin).
import { AdvertisementDecoder, Convert } from 'ble-central-advertisements';
const decoder = new AdvertisementDecoder();
const advertisementDataHex = '020106030309181409546865726d6f6d65746572204578616d706c65';
const input = Convert.hexToUint8Array(advertisementDataHex).buffer;
const output = decoder.decode(input);
console.log(output.advDataLocalName); // 'Thermometer Example'
Source documentation can be found here