A .NET Class Library containing an implementation of the MESA International standard KPI-ML.
Generated with the Microsoft (R) Xml Schemas/DataTypes support utility (xsd.exe) from the KPI-ML V01 schema available from the MESA website here.
From the MESA website:
KPI-ML is an XML implementation of the ISO 22400 standard, Automation systems integration - Key performance indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management. KPI-ML consists of a set of XML schemas written using the World Wide Web Consortium's XML Schema language (XSD) that implement the data models in the ISO 22400 standard.
Companies interested in following ISO 22400 for integration projects may use KPI-ML to exchange KPI definitions and values between manufacturing systems such as control systems and manufacturing execution systems and IT systems, as well as visualization systems such as dashboards. Any company may use KPI-ML royalty free, provided credit is given to MESA.
V0100 is the first version of KPI-ML.