Stagemonitor is a Java monitoring agent that tightly integrates with time series databases like Elasticsearch, Graphite and InfluxDB to analyze graphed metrics and Kibana to analyze requests and call stacks. It includes preconfigured Grafana and Kibana dashboards that can be customized.
For more information about the project, please see
Check the Installation site of the wiki
If you encounter any issues or if you have a question, don't hesitate to create an issue.
The mailing list can be found at
Use JitPack to get the latest snapshots from master. When using gradle, add the --refresh-dependencies
flag to ensure you always check for an updated snapshot version.
To build this project locally, clone the repo and execute ./gradlew install
(Linux) gradlew.bat install
(Windows) to install stagemonitor to your local maven repo (~/.m2/repository/org/stagemonitor/
We love contributions from the community! Please read before creating a pull request.